
Greedy people 37 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Minimum wage was never designed to be a "liveable" wage. It was designed to ensure that employees are not taken advantage of by being paid ridiculously low wages. Raising minimum wage to proposed levels will not cause people earning minimum wage to magically fall within that liveable wage domain because of one thing...the cost of living is determined by minimum wage. As with any product or service provided in an economy, the cost of that product of service is based on how much it costs to produce it in which case increasing minimum wage will only cause the cost of living to increase proportionally putting minimum wage earnings the same spot that they were in in the long run. In the short run however, increasing minimum wage as high as being proposed would cause disastrous effects to our economy by harming small companies which employ most of the working population. I'm not against minimum wage increases but doubling it would be a reckless move.