
Because 'murica thats why 39 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Look I work in a poorer health clinic and honest the people who I see come in with Medicare and such are white or black people rarely do we see Hispanics come in with welfare they would rather jut pay cash and they don't give us as much trouble as the white and black people honestly.
Because 'murica thats why 39 comments
guest · 11 years ago
What most people don't understand is that the majority of the illegal immigrants that come over are really nice poor people just trying to make a better living. Have you ever been to the poor countries in Latin America? It's quite sad how they live but that's the best they can do there. Yes some illegals become or are criminals but a small minority. The rest are hard working people who would rather stay under the radar that's why you don't hear about them, that's why you only hear about the bad.