
Americans actually have British accents 14 comments
guest · 10 years ago
It is unlikely that the british accent sounded anything like modern day american. However it make have been more rhotic in nature (prolonged R sounds) as britain had been invaded by the french (and the rest of europe at various points) who have a more rhotic way of speaking. Scottish accents are also considered a rhotic accent, as are many british accents that currently exist (such as geordie accents). Based on these observations I would hypothesise that british accents have never sounded like any modern american accent, although we (british) may have lost the prolonged, rolling "R" sounds associated with american accents, while americans simply retained it and emphasized it. Also the influx of africans in early american culture would have encouraged the development of the rhotic sounds due to the difference in tongue muslces and structure, and modern American is just as likely to have stemmed from that influence as from the native accents carried over from britain and ireland.
Why I never had a boyfriend 8 comments
guest · 10 years ago
This is me right now 46 comments
guest · 10 years ago
This only happens to girls. Boys can only be attracted to girls they are physically attracted to. This doesn't mean they have to be stunners, but they have to be physically attractive in the boys eyes; personality and all that crap can't make you become attracted to a girl if you are not physically attracted first. Whereas girls seem to be able to be attracted to a wider range of physical attractiveness levels, and personality is often more important when considering a relationship.