
If cartoon characters looked their actual age 17 comments
guest · 8 years ago
I'm sorry but if Daisy can barely walk at 75, how is Minnie Mouse still standing at 82 with all the weight of those random giant sweater puppies in the front? She would have some serious back problems.
Leave my girls alone 16 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Let's be real here. Everyone has a personal preference on the attributes of an ideal partner by nature. Whether it is about size, shape, proportions, whatever. We all have different ideas of what is attractive to us. The problem is that unless someone specifically asks your opinion, nobody cares and nobody wants to hear something that sounds degrading or insulting to them. The moral here is just be who you are but also don't be a dick, and if who you are is a dick, maybe spend some time on self reflection. Otherwise, keep yourself open. When you find love, sometimes you realize you didn't end up with exactly what you had always pictured, but you wouldn't trade that person for anything in the world.