
Hulk, the world's biggest pitbull is a proud father now 25 comments
guest · 8 years ago
*Insert dumbass comment about how I'm like, the ONLY one in the world that doesn't dislike pitbulls, to show you what a tolerant and cool special snowflake that I am*
Me. >;] 31 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Sure. But they'll usually be more like "So I'm worth living for? I am loving this. :P"
Trying to save a bleeding cat 21 comments
guest · 9 years ago
But what the hell point are you trying to make? No one in the post said that they thought the cat was hit by a car; they said they thought it was bleeding out. And weirdly enough, cats will bleed in instances other than when they're hit by a car. I doubt that the person that took the pictures would have immediately started making theories as to how the cat was hurt anyways. Instinct would be to help the kitty. I don't know what you're trying to prove.
Tesla FTW 34 comments
guest · 9 years ago
They were both kind of douchebags, though, especially Edison. Tesla (I know he's the patron saint of the internet and all, don't take it the wrong way) wholeheartedly supported eugenics (eliminating "undesirable" people, i.e. those with disabilities and forbidding them to procreate). Edison publicly electrocuted animals like puppies and cats, even elephants, and later on a convicted criminal, killing all of them. Both had rather admirable effects in science, though. ~*The More You Know!*~
The united states, everybody 75 comments
guest · 9 years ago
So, just so we're clear here since he deleted his comments: issaac whined someone copied a post he took from another site, even though it was completely differently formatted, got all butthurt when told that was a pretty dumbass thing to do, suddenly decided it was all a joke when he realized he looked like a jackass, and then deleted his comments when he realized he still looked like a jackass.
The united states, everybody 75 comments
guest · 9 years ago
You took it off of tumblr (or some other site that took it off of tumblr), so why do you complain? It's not your content.
Stuff of Nightmares 4 comments
guest · 9 years ago
If the people are dealing with loss by bringing inanimate toys to a restaurant, in public, and treating them like real babies, then it's probably a sign of an extremely serious mental disorder, like Schizophrenia. Even if it's sad, it can still be very scary, and behaviors like that can escalate into destructive and scary behaviors.
Anyone else with me? 25 comments
guest · 9 years ago
It says right on the Submit page, only FUN and ENTERTAINING content allowed. This wasn't even intended to be funny. It should have been posted under "Talk," or "Visual."