
Meghan Trainor sickens me. 75 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Yeah you can't be body positive unless you respect both ends of the spectrum. And also, just because you are trying to make yourself healthier shouldn't mean you should think getting an eating disorder is the way to go, or your idea of healthy is not what healthy actually is. When people act like this it really pisses me off. Anorexia is a mental disorder, and through that the person suffering from it tries to make themselves thin enough to fit the standards they have given themselves, not anorexia is what you get when you try to make yourself thinner. People like Trainor think very skinny or extremely thin has the same meaning as anorexic, which is not only incorrect, but disrespectful to people struggling with it. It also shows the utter ignorance of the people who use them as synonyms, and how stupid and unkind they are for doing it.
Damn it! Mine is purple. What color does the chart give you? 124 comments
guest · 9 years ago
It is kinda funny that August's color is blonde, because my two other siblings and I are all born in that month and have blonde hair.
Thanks obama 15 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Don't say "Thanks Obama" because this issue is not his fault. Rather blame Congress, and more importantly the Republican party, for thinking that it is so important for Americans to be able to carry assault weapons and firearms on a daily basis. It is unnecessary and it makes it far to easy for those with agendas like these or those who are not mentally stable to get their hands on firearms that can easily take the lives of dozens of others. They don't even need to be completely banned, but just more regulations, better background checks, and less loopholes like guns shows would make a hell of a difference. Even though it is people that kill people, not guns, guns make it quite a bit easier for one crazy person to kill a lot more people than they could kill with a knife.
hades (from the Disney Hercules movie) gender swapped! 13 comments
guest · 9 years ago
aw yiss sakimi chan
Word p*rn. 7 comments
guest · 9 years ago
oh my god i love this poet
"You don't need this, fatty" 47 comments
guest · 9 years ago
riggghhhhtttt, I'm sure this happened
Forget the dress, which is the nearer one? 56 comments
guest · 9 years ago