I'm Spanish, from Spain, in Europe.Not South American, Central American or a Mexican.
— SomeSpanishGuy Report User
Can't say I have seen one anywhere else 3 comments
· 3 years ago
I actually had one of these at my house when I was a kid, and I loved playing with it
*Fortunate Son intensifies* 52 comments
· 3 years ago
But the advantage that the Taliban had is that they use guerrilla fighting, and the Afghan army was a standing army that could not fight back. It makes no sense that after spending 1 trillion dollars in Afghanistan that the country collapsed so quickly, but there were so many mistakes (failing to create a nation, failing to achieve full control over the land, failing to control the religious extremists) that can explain how this situation occurred.
*Fortunate Son intensifies* 52 comments
· 3 years ago
When the coalition announced they were leaving Afghanistan I imagined the country would collapse within a year. It's so sad that it didn't last 2 whole weeks. I'm worried about the generation of Afghans who are educated and wanted to make sure their country developed, because the Taliban will hunt them down and kill them the second all international forces are airlifted out of Afghanistan
My bestie 11 comments
He could save others.... 134 comments
Keeping it in the family 13 comments
Help me step-bro, I’m stuck in traffic 1 comments
· 3 years ago
When I went to get my covid vaccine, I entered just before 9AM to avoid any queues. 10 minutes after I was vaccinated, it was past 9 and there were much longer queues to get the shot. Going early works, as long as you actually go early
Was this made with predictive text?? 36 comments
Keeping it in the family 13 comments
· 3 years ago
He's probably the national shame of Spain, and he actually ruled for quite some time. Thankfully no other king was so inbred after him
?Qué pasa aquí¿ 9 comments
· 3 years ago
True, but in Spanish we also tend to raise the end of sentences when we are asking a question so as long as you see the final question mark you know you have to raise the end of the sentence
?Qué pasa aquí¿ 9 comments
· 3 years ago
No one likes having to put two different interrogation or exclamation signs, when we text we only put the sign at the end
Another victim murdered by the police 5 comments
A few more years.... maybe 7 comments
1917 was an eventful year 1 comments
· 3 years ago
The February Revolution was super chaotic, the Tsar did leave power but neither the Liberals nor the Communists could hold power afterwards
I've got a bad feeling about this 2 comments
· 3 years ago
We also allied with other tribes to make sure the ruling tribes would be deposed
Hope no one ratted out the other players 3 comments
When does this end? 6 comments
· 3 years ago
Netflix actually made a short series about Madam C.J Walker, it was awesome and I recommend it 100%
Let’s be honest tho, Dry heat is better 6 comments