

origamisnow Report User
It's A Better Word 39 comments
origamisnow · 10 years ago
The way that we as people connect each other is by sharing and caring about each others' struggles. These are not boxes we put each other in, this is a spotlight we attempt to shine on those whose stories who have been ignored.
Potter! 12 comments
origamisnow · 10 years ago
this is too perfect *squee*
Interesting to think about 54 comments
origamisnow · 10 years ago
in biology, we learned that even though a trait is more dominant, doesn't mean that the most recessive genes die out. The trait can survive though selection and other similar mutations.
Also, eye color is determined my multiple genes. When they fall into a certain concentration range, they are that color.
(blue would be at the bottom because of the absence of color and brown would be more at the top, in the middle would be greens)
Assuming that all the genes would be mixed together in even amounts, the color would be in the middle gene range, making it green.
most accurate post ever 3 comments
origamisnow · 10 years ago
that really cool, thanks!
Obviously 18 comments
origamisnow · 10 years ago
following an orbital path through space is not the same as flying, because it is due to the force of gravity, and not due to the mechanical energy of moving limbs to move against the force of gravity
most accurate post ever 3 comments
origamisnow · 10 years ago
I wish there was a date on this, so that I could tell how accurate these currency exchanges are.
Dealing with this right now. Not sure how to take it 13 comments
origamisnow · 10 years ago
But my parents wouldn't allow that kind of grade, ever. All As. They don't talk to me for about a week if I have any Bs, and Cs mean that I get yelled at every day until I bring the grade up.
Brothers, take notes. 9 comments
origamisnow · 10 years ago
he gave her heart an attack
Some countries really care about their handicapped 4 comments
origamisnow · 10 years ago
still a cool idea, though
you really don't wanna go there 2 comments
origamisnow · 10 years ago
Too much for one conversation to handle
Enough of the fads 9 comments
origamisnow · 10 years ago
The infinity one is cool to me, since I like thinking about infinite things
Enough of the fads 9 comments
origamisnow · 10 years ago
that moment I realized that I would have gotten one of these
fun prank 3 comments
origamisnow · 11 years ago
eh, money is money. I'd still use it.
Bagged milk? 34 comments
origamisnow · 11 years ago
Wouldn't it be easier to accidentally puncture it before bringing it home? And what if you make a sharp turn while driving and the milk bag hits the wall of the car and splats everywhere?
Everyone complaining about school and I'm here on holidays like 27 comments
origamisnow · 11 years ago
This was me, in Florida, while it was -5F at home.
New technology turns your face into a video game character 20 comments
origamisnow · 11 years ago
Me basically 9 comments
origamisnow · 11 years ago
It's Catbug, from Cartoon Hangover's show: Bravest Warriors.
Make it better 2 comments
origamisnow · 11 years ago
I like it. It's pretty.
Be The Person Who Stands Up....Help Others Do The Same... 6 comments
origamisnow · 11 years ago
It's often just brushed off as just being annoying, though. There are so many small things to change, that people get annoyed if it's changed. This is especially true of traditions.
The ultimate hipster 3 comments
origamisnow · 11 years ago
and kids be all smashing their fingers on the screen, asking why the touchscreen won't work
Special shaped tool for nutella 8 comments
origamisnow · 11 years ago
well we couldn't have everybody's hand in the picture
Special shaped tool for nutella 8 comments
origamisnow · 11 years ago
no, sir, it applies to the finger itself
Reasons to date me 8 comments
origamisnow · 11 years ago
well, they're modest, and by going after someone who they belive will ultimately dump them anyway: brave
Don't cheat on me 5 comments
origamisnow · 11 years ago
well, if the guy didn't want to be with his girlfriend anymore, he should just tell her.