

Opinionated and vulgar. Cut the bullshit and don't be a bitch.
I weld quite a bit
@me for all things metal and history
Dakota Report User



Leuk what??!?

Leuk what??!?

My art #no filter

My art #no filter

Bought one of our friends an xbox

My homies halloween costume



Five Finger Death Punch get into your feels with everything they do

Five Finger Death Punch get into your feels with everything they do

You know you're racist when... You ask for sources?

You know you're racist when... You ask for sources?

How my dads girlfriend has been acting since I turned 18

How my dads girlfriend has been acting since I turned 18

Remember the CEO that raised the price of a drug by 4,000%? He was arrested for fraud.

Remember the CEO that raised the price of a drug by 4,000%? He was arrested for fraud.