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Katielaster Report User
No shit Newton! 4 comments
katielaster · 8 years ago
I literally just learned this today in my physics class. Life is weird sometimes
what life does this sub lead??? 5 comments
katielaster · 8 years ago
You have to do something about it 14 comments
katielaster · 8 years ago
Honestly fuck these kind of post because they do nothing to help people with depression. It basically says they should feel guilty for being suicdal. My friend was very depressed but never got help because his family thought he had no reason to be sad and was only thinking about himself. To me calling suicide selfish mirrors that exact thinking. Yeah it may be selfish that a person makes others grieve but suicide means that a person was in so much pain they didn't think they had anyway out of. Some people can't just stop thinking about suicide, it consumes them. So yes people do 'selfish' things when they are suffering that much but depression should be met with more understanding than just saying you should get help or think about your family because sometimes the pain is bad you can't think about those things.
I feel exactly how he does 22 comments
katielaster · 8 years ago
It's Tomi Lahren and she is insufferable
America. you're f*cked. no other way to put it. 46 comments
katielaster · 8 years ago
This is a recent story, my class was discussing it on Friday because we're reading huckleberry fin. And most schools dont have them banned
#pantslivematter 3 comments
katielaster · 8 years ago
Anyone else think of that episode of jimmy neutron?
How comforting 8 comments
katielaster · 8 years ago
It wasn't this exact post but I did see a post saying literally the exact same thing a few days ago. The guest is right.
And you even have to understand! [Vive la France] 6 comments
katielaster · 8 years ago
What is this from?
This show looks like a steaming hot shit. 13 comments
katielaster · 9 years ago
· Edited 9 years ago
Obama. Just like in illumobamainati 10 comments
katielaster · 9 years ago
You hate the joke side
Only 90's kids will know of this bubble thing 13 comments
katielaster · 9 years ago
Yeah. I see it in the grocery store every time I go
This is awesome 9 comments
katielaster · 9 years ago
I thought TSA won't allow you to bring rocks to other countries
When you're a male 6 comments
katielaster · 9 years ago
Would you be okay with a random women touching your butt?
South Park did it 10 comments
katielaster · 9 years ago
Still waiting for my pet unicorn *taps watch* 8 comments
katielaster · 9 years ago
I thought that "pennies" said penises and I was really confused
Everyone thought the phone was finnished 6 comments
katielaster · 9 years ago
That happened to my friends iPhone. It didn't even have a case on it but it still worked.
katielaster · 10 years ago
It's called a word search not a crossword
parents 24 comments
katielaster · 10 years ago
My parents are the opposite way. They think I'm depressed but I'm just super lazy.
What did you expect? 10 comments
katielaster · 10 years ago
My only disappointedment is that it wasn't dickbutt
Because that's how trains work, mate 5 comments
katielaster · 10 years ago
I don't get it. Can someone please explain what I am missing?
Pick one 57 comments
katielaster · 10 years ago
Oblivion sounds like the least work so I will go with that one
Interesting data 27 comments
katielaster · 10 years ago
Just because you point out that there are double standerards or inequalities doesn't mean you can say a group isn't being oppressed. That like saying colored people were never oppressed because there are scholarships for black students.
4 · Edited 10 years ago
How Europeans view Americans 24 comments
katielaster · 10 years ago
If only grease didn't stain, then I would already own this
As someone living in Connecticut, I can confirm 31 comments
katielaster · 10 years ago
Supposed to get 2 feet of snow tomorrow. But that's better than the 4 ft we got two years ago
That's A Really Long And Weird Name 14 comments
katielaster · 10 years ago
Is it just me or does that man look kinda like the love child of Tom Hiddleston and Jesus?