Guys think differently 3 comments
· 9 years ago
But in this case she obviously wanted to get his attention - that's why she painted her nails. And now she wonders whether it worked and if he's paying attention to her because of her nails.
Pretty much 30 comments
· 10 years ago
I don't think this is about enjoying the music. Hipsters (at least where I live) solely pretend to like some bands because they think they're cool, but actually have never heard a song of them, but just want to express they are weird and special when they listen to e.g. Metalcore (though this doesn't make you different and special). And I think because some bands are not as common or often played in radios and not everyone knows about them it makes you upset if people remember them as "Oh that was one of the band Hipsters like", just because they claimed to. And your music taste being associated with Hipsters is really bad. Sorry for the long post .___.
Edited 10 years ago
Scumbag self checkout 4 comments
· 10 years ago
That's so annoying, but I use them most of the time anyway because you don't have to pay for bags and you can also steal some extra ones (for trash etc.) (^ ^)
Priorities 12 comments
· 10 years ago
Natürlich habe ich das vorher überprüft, deshalb schreibe ich ja auch, dass es das Wort queren gibt, falls du meinen Kommentar überhaupt richtig gelesen hast. Der Gebrauch im eigentlichen, alltäglichen Reden ist jedoch quasi nicht vorhanden - immernoch. Queren wäre in der englischen Übersetzung immernoch to cross - und so auch im Deutschen. Niemand sagt queren (außer überqueren), jeder verwendet wohl eher kreuzen, nicht? Ich habe mich eventuell im ersten Kommentar dennoch etwas falsch ausgedrückt, indem ich sagte, es sei kein Deutsch. Ich wollte eigentlich nur sagen, dass es sehr unüblich im eigentlichen Sprachgebrauch ist, tut mir Leid.
Edited 10 years ago
Priorities 12 comments
· 10 years ago
I am German, and while 'Boote' is indeed a german word, 'queren' itself may exist but only to be used with a prefix, such as 'über-' . Therefore, 'ships are passing' would be 'Schiffe überqueren (den See, etc.)'. You would most likely translate 'queren' with 'to cross' (still 'queren' itself is very uncommon and almost never used, simply because it wouldn't really have a meaning).
Well, I don't know about signs in Austria though, I only said that I didn't see a sign like that in Germany ^^'
Edited 10 years ago
Well, I don't know about signs in Austria though, I only said that I didn't see a sign like that in Germany ^^'
Priorities 12 comments
· 10 years ago
That's not german. The grammar is completely off. If it was german it would be 'Boote überqueren', but I've never seen such a sign in Germany.
"You're so nice for doing all this" 17 comments
"You're so nice for doing all this" 17 comments
· 10 years ago
OCD is a serious mental illness. It's not supposed to be used as one of your new hipster slangs to express things that are important to you. Wanting a good grade on a group project is something natural, it has nothing to do with OCD.
Test answers 7 comments
My bathroom needs this 13 comments
· 10 years ago
Well it's original colour from gold/silver actually is a quite yellow tinted beige /:
Run! 5 comments
· 10 years ago
I have been the second one my whole life long. And sadly, I'm the only one in my class that is like this. *feels very uncomfortable while doing sports at school*
Tunnel through the Rhone Glacier 6 comments
· 10 years ago
This looks totally like this one dungeon in Skyrim, on the Azura's star mission.
It's beautiful.
It's beautiful.
When exams roll around 3 comments
Give me your Hat! 4 comments
· 10 years ago
A friend once showed me some of those 'Mature' Pics of Pokémon, because he thought it was funny to see how it'd ruin my childhood.
My dad actually had the beastiality talk with me :| 27 comments
· 10 years ago
I can totally relate to the 'waifu' one (except that it'd be 'husbando' in my case). My friends tell me almost every day (T_T)
Well that backfired 3 comments
· 10 years ago
After seeing this post I decided to watch the video, and I'm not quite sure how people could take the stuff seriously. In my view it's pretty obvious that she was being ironic oO
I think I'm that girl on the far right 10 comments
Pretty much 34 comments
· 10 years ago
Why is everybody hating on Cupcakes now o: ? I mean, both are delicious in different ways, so why not like both :3?
Just a normal day 6 comments
· 10 years ago
You shouldn't be ashamed if you like it (: ! Do what you want to, and even if people stare at you: At least you're having fun, while they obviously do not ^_^~
Every girl experienced this at least once. 18 comments
Pass me the fridge you stomach shirt 33 comments
· 11 years ago
It wasn't meant that way D: I didn't want to imply that you're sounding like an idiot, and I'm wondering right now how useless my correction is, I just thought it may be "good to know", for whatever reason o_o. But when I now look back at my post, I just look like an annoying wiseacre (*hope that's the correct word for it*) ._.''
Edited 11 years ago
Pass me the fridge you stomach shirt 33 comments
· 11 years ago
"Dein Kopf ist ein Kartoffeltisch" wäre die grammatikalisch richtige Version ^_^''
"Dein Kopf ein Kartoffel Tichen ist" sounds a little bit like Yoda was talking oO
But the context itself is quite funny.
"Dein Kopf ein Kartoffel Tichen ist" sounds a little bit like Yoda was talking oO
But the context itself is quite funny.
Shut up and take my money 15 comments
· 11 years ago
I personally think it tastes better than Coca Cola, and it's cheaper, too (at least in Germany) (´・Д・)」
Shut up and take my money 15 comments