Man, I never had any drama until I hit 8th grade. Those were the good days. There weren't so many bitches. The guys were all nice. I didn't have to worry about grades because everything was easy. Why do we have to grow up to the real world?
· 11 years ago
The only real drama that happens now at my school is the banning of Starbucks in class, I've never seen a girl chuck uggs at a teacher till before winter break
Being a senior in high school, this makes me want to curl up into a ball and make my eyes sweat. I miss middle school where math was easy and no one gave a damn.
Aww, that's nice. I was already experiencing drama back in 6th grade, where people would do anything to be popular. Like my friend who cut ties with all of her non-popular friends and kept hanging around popular girls so that she could be popular. Sigh.
That happens all the time. But in the long run, it's the true friends that stick around. It's the people who are true to themselves that will be more at peace.
Yes I was right. And I would but, I have forgotten most Disney songs *hangs head in shame* my head is too full of other crap now. The user downtherabbithole knows disney songs, I'm sure she'll sing along, if you can find her.
Not to sound weird but this person is like in 10th grade now and saying they hate themselves?? When I was in 10th grade I was still having fun being a little kid and watching cartoons eating junk food
I wish I could have gone to a different school so I wouldn't have to be stuck with kids who had their first kiss and started dating at 6 years old because that's just gross.