Killing Beiber is certainly not going to fix the music industry. Do you have any idea how many people you would have to take out to do that? It's a lot. I haven't completed my calculations just yet, but I can tell you the final number is pretty damn big.
Okay maybe he makes some bad music yes but you shouldn't say you want to actually kill him. Why is if when non-celebrities get hate and get told to kill themselves or that they should be killed that you all say it's bad and that it's cyberbullying but when a celebrity gets told to kill themselves or that someone should kill them from 1000s of people then it's perfectly fine. If someone posted a picture like this of just an ordinary person you didn't know would you feel right laughing at it? You don't know him either, just his music.
· 11 years ago
Because Justin Bieber is honestly a horrible person. There are a few non-celebrities I want to kill themselves, but they are horrible people and the world would honestly be better without them. Just like Bieber.
Okay. I'm not a JB fan. But from now on can everyone just spell it right? BIEBER. I before E. This has is spelled correctly and then wrong in the same sentence.