This is incredibly sad. Just like blockbuster, blockbuster filed for bankruptcy and will close their remaining stores and even discontinue their online service. Blockbuster once the kings of the take home video age, now nothing but a memory.
Because the way it was kind of told as a joke, it subconciously implies it had been in the town for a long time and provided hundreds of people and families with entertainment over the years, that it appears like the theater is saying good bye to a family member for the last time
· 11 years ago
It all goes back to our childhood. We've all seen places from our childhood being shut down or canceled and it's saddening. The thing that hits you the most is the sign which says "That's all folks" which was said by Porky Pig at the end of Looney Tunes and that's how we knew it was the end of the show and this is how we know it's the end of them.
· 11 years ago
Lol sorry. While I was writing that I seriously wanted to cry..