Oh, no. If one was a little bitch, one could still use them. It's just that one wouldn't, unless one wanted to be considered by his or her peers as a bag of douche.
Get used to ^that attitude. Are you guys still #1 for suicides, btw?
Seriously, though. I spent a week or so there, and the people I ran into were super nice. Maybe I got lucky? I dunno.
· 11 years ago
Washingtonians are super nice. Not sure about the suicide thing. Just can't stand the Californian transplants.
Actually, I kinda understand that. The vast, vaaaaaaaast majority of people here I wouldn't wish on you. I consider myself quite lucky to have actual nice neighbors on my street. Back before I bought my house, EVERY apartment I rented had assholes on all sides.
I'm not sure why the bad ones seem to be heading your way, though. Both our parents are considering moving to Oregon or Washington. My parents are recently retired, and hers are about a decade away, and work at Lawrence Livermore Laboratories. I'd have to say they're be good additions, which is quite a statement, considering two of them are my in-laws!
I am from Pennsylvania but I live about an hour and 45 mins away from the amusement park and chocolate factory so I go about once a year. If you went there you defiantly won't be disappointed.
You lazy SOB.
Seriously, though. I spent a week or so there, and the people I ran into were super nice. Maybe I got lucky? I dunno.
I'm not sure why the bad ones seem to be heading your way, though. Both our parents are considering moving to Oregon or Washington. My parents are recently retired, and hers are about a decade away, and work at Lawrence Livermore Laboratories. I'd have to say they're be good additions, which is quite a statement, considering two of them are my in-laws!
Has nobody heard of KFC?
I'm sorry, but I think we make some pretty damn good chicken.
That's not a sex joke, I just love pie. It's like liquid cake. http://youtu.be/-o-u4IwXkbE