I hope they went back and paid the actual price...cause that's kind of messed up. Especially if it isn't a chain store, then you're taking away someone's livelihood.
Apparently you havent been involved in many weddings. Anything with wedding in the name is marked up to a ridiculous and despicable degree. That dress probably cost like 50 dollars to make.
· 6 years ago
I know that the dresses are overpriced, but that's just how the market is for these. Very rarely do you find a good wedding dress under 900 dollars. So the fact that you're not paying them what they're due is wrong whether it's overpriced or not.
I thought you could only get it for the wrong price if it was a small acceptable mistake, and not for a huge price difference like this cause you can expect that it was a mistake. they didn't have to go through with the transaction, right?
My parents brought a tv for $9.99 because they put the decimal in the wrong spot on the eftpos terminal and nobody noticed until my parents got their credit card bill