Ahhhh....... How do you know the scientists aren't lying what they say and what The Binle says are very different and I believe the Bible don't know about you
I think immigrants shouldn't be hated. Who gives a shit if an immigrant comes? They should be welcomed. I mean, certainly the government shouldn't, because it justs means more tax incomes and money for them.
Damn bitch the government is.
Edited 11 years ago
· 11 years ago
Americans don't really dislike immigrants like a lot of people seem to think. The thing is, getting permission to come live in the US is a very long process that many people in countries like Mexico that are close to the states spend months or years going through, while illegal immigrants bypass the system.
We don't think it's fair to the people that do it the "right way"(legally). Hopefully immigration policies will become looser in future, but until then we appreciate people that make the effort to go through the process. Please try to understand!
I don't know about the U.S but I'm sure it's the same as in Canada; an illegal person cannot get welfare. They must provide some sort of legal government documentation that states they are either citizens, landed immigrants (refugees) or permanent residents in order to qualify for social assistance. Also if they provide false documents the government has a way of finding out by their social insurance number the same as a social security number in the U.S.
Most immigrants take the jobs that others don't want to do, the ones paying minimum wage with no benefits. They aren't taking your jobs, they are simply 'taking' the ones people don't want to do.
Technically, we don't hate immigrants. Just illegal ones. I'm all for coming to America, but you should do it legally. That's how my great-great-grandparents did it: came over on a boat and went through Ellis Island.
We dislike illegal immigrants because they take a lot of jobs usually given to teens.
They also bypass the legal system, making it impossible to see if they are bringing in anything illegal or if they have a criminal record.
We need tight borders to prevent drugs, criminals, terrorists, and drugs from hurting the American people even further.
I'm sorry for the families trying to get out for good reasons, but the system works only if it is enforced.
We love immigrants that worked hard for citizenship and help our country grow...we hate illegal immigrants who take advantage of schools and govt. Assistance without paying taxes.
I live in Texas and the amount of Hispanics is pushing us out. Most of them are illegal too. This meme was obviously made by someone that doesn't understand our problem.
To put it into context, imagine if all of us came to your small country and overcrowded it.
You're lame. You mean Mexicans.
And also, they are not pushing us out of Texas. Plus, Texas is so big that we can actually accommodate the extra people.
Yes Texas is big enough to accommodate everyone besides who are they hurting really? They do the jobs no one else will do you want to go work in a garden or on construction on a day that's 100+ degrees outside? I didn't think so.
You honestly think the United States is small? Are you kidding me? It's one of the bigger countries you guys are a bunch of pussies you don't see other smaller countries complaining. Americans need to stop being so selfish. And yes I do live in America so I do know what's going on probably more than you do.
I'm fine with Hispanics coming to America legally, but when they come illegally they haven't had background checks, they usually participate in the reieving end of our welfare, they take all the jobs that teenagers used to do, and they jumping in front of all the people waiting here to come here legally. There no reason for a Hispanic criminal to be able to jump the border and cut in front of the well qualified Hispanic couple that has been trying to get across for ten years. So no, America doesn't hate immigrants, all the talk of them is because we are trying to develop a better policy towards illegals. Next time you make a meme, don't critize things you don't know about.
What most people don't understand is that the majority of the illegal immigrants that come over are really nice poor people just trying to make a better living. Have you ever been to the poor countries in Latin America? It's quite sad how they live but that's the best they can do there. Yes some illegals become or are criminals but a small minority. The rest are hard working people who would rather stay under the radar that's why you don't hear about them, that's why you only hear about the bad.
Look I work in a poorer health clinic and honest the people who I see come in with Medicare and such are white or black people rarely do we see Hispanics come in with welfare they would rather jut pay cash and they don't give us as much trouble as the white and black people honestly.
Obviously none of you have been to Texas. Yes we are quite big, but the illegal immigrants tend to stay in one area (central or southern Texas) not many have the money or time to go much farther north and yes, it is pushing us out from the central and southern areas. I have known a few illegals and they are very nice and especially hard working, but there are way too many of them in our area. I was born an raised and central Texas and the numbers grow every year. And whether they know it or not, they are usually involved in drug trafficking, there are people that will rig you and hide drugs in your things without you even knowing.
None of you have ever been near enough to the problem to actually understand it
Are you kidding me? Not near the problem? I was born and raised in Central Texas as free up around Hispanics so please do not assume that I know nothing of the situation because I know plenty. And no not many are involved in drug trafficking, it's just the few that you see and hear about and you automatically think that every illegal does it but your sadly mistaken. This is stereotyping at it's finest. And yea there are a lot but seriously we are building new shit everyday don't like it? Move. It's just a growing state there are plenty of other cities that are over populated as well and you don't see them complaining.
I live in texas and i am hispanic but that doesnt mean im an immigrant. Hell! I was born in texas! And my mom had to pay to take a test for here to legally come over here and become a citizen but that was before she even went to highschool so why all the hate? I think it is soooooo stupid for people to automatically assume. And for my second complaint, texas is huge. We have enough space for any of the immigrants to come over. Yes they tend to settle in lower regions but that is why the cities along the border are expanding greatly (they have the room!)
No this meme said it wrong, we don't like ILLEAGLE immigrants because they take OUR jobs and skip ahead of all of the people who are doing it the right way and actually eating to be legal. I've met so e and they either take our jobs or don't work and spend the money they do have on stupid stuff. Maybe not all of them but that's their reputation.
WE do the jobs that YOU would never do. So when you say "taking OUR jobs" please clarify that it's the jobs people would most likely be offended to do. You have no idea how they live here in America. And let me tell you, it's HELL. Plus working long ass hours for less than minimum wage sucks ass.
When Americans came to America they pushed out the Indians.
· 10 years ago
They didn't just "push them out". They ,at first unknowingly, brought new diseases which killed the Indians and then knowingly contaminated the populace and watched them die in large numbers very quickly.
Damn bitch the government is.
We don't think it's fair to the people that do it the "right way"(legally). Hopefully immigration policies will become looser in future, but until then we appreciate people that make the effort to go through the process. Please try to understand!
Most immigrants take the jobs that others don't want to do, the ones paying minimum wage with no benefits. They aren't taking your jobs, they are simply 'taking' the ones people don't want to do.
They also bypass the legal system, making it impossible to see if they are bringing in anything illegal or if they have a criminal record.
We need tight borders to prevent drugs, criminals, terrorists, and drugs from hurting the American people even further.
I'm sorry for the families trying to get out for good reasons, but the system works only if it is enforced.
To put it into context, imagine if all of us came to your small country and overcrowded it.
And also, they are not pushing us out of Texas. Plus, Texas is so big that we can actually accommodate the extra people.
None of you have ever been near enough to the problem to actually understand it