Okay so apparently (don't count this as gospel! I've only read like 2 articles) Harvard didn't organise it, it was organised by some Harvard Graduate students that wanted to celebrate black excellence and reclaim the history of slavery at Harvard....so...I don't get it either but some of the students wanted it.
@bethorien If you're asking why parisqeen says "don't count this as Gospel," as opposed to "don't count this as gossip," then I don't believe that was an accident.
Saying something "is gospel" basically is an idiom you're saying you believe it is the absolute truth, with no room for debate. Written in stone. Its the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. When they said "Don't take this a gospel," they are just saying it's something they've heard, but whether it's accurate or not is still debatable.
Thanks for that guest lol but Beth was talking about something else
@bethorien "definition of chill" mmHMmm sure buddy I think I have proof to say otherwise haha
The reapers logic of the master wants to not be destroyed so we must destroy the master so the master won't be destroyed by the thing that's gonna destroy the master. Killing off the whale bros leaving only a few left after the whales fucked up and have them a loop hole in logic that let them destroy the thing they protect to protect it from being destroyed by something else.
Mass effect was a beautiful game with a complicated ending with of course too many plot holes that made the game felt unfinished and unanswered. I liked it for the most part but EA did its shitty magic mess and ruined it.
· 6 years ago
I didn't mind the endings. They could've been better but they're not nearly as bad as everyone says they are.
I loved the games for their mini stories. The over arching story was great and all even with its issues but all the little things like the grissom academy in ME:3 and the interactions between party members.
· 6 years ago
I think the perfect Mass Effect game would have the story quality of 2, the gameplay and squad interactions of 3, the actual storyline of 1, and the engine of Andromeda (pretty much the only good thing about that game, and even that's kinda iffy).
I totally agree mass effect 2 was the best out of the 3. Though my personal issue with 3 was it felt incomplete; aside from the ending bits and pieces of the story were left unfinished or as the theory goes was meant to be resolved at the end. As for the Andromeda, it was kind of boring. Nothing new, game wise.
Plus andromeda started with a plot hole unless it was explained further in. Sending the noob to lead the team in exploring a new galaxy? Why not the best of the best?
Absolutely loved the mass effect series, just a shame EA ran the franchise and bioware into the ground with Andromeda. I honestly doubt we will ever see another mass effect game again
· 6 years ago
I have hope. It'll maybe happen some time down the line.
· 6 years ago
1960: We want non segregated zones! I wish to sit with the white man!
Well, when you have other universities (see Florida) that are pushing/tackling black students on-stage for strolling or stepping (an important historical part of black Greek organizations), why not let them organize and celebrate their blackness?
To me, it's no different than lavender graduations which happen across the country where LGBT students hold their own ceremony to celebrate. Hundreds of academic programs do it as well.
To me, y'all are getting panties in a bundle over nothing. Let them celebrate their achievement in the way they want to.
Actually videos came out of students of all races being pushed and shoved in the same way. It was the students that were taking longer to get across stage in general. Mostly the videos of the black or minorities were the ones that were picked and widespread
I will never understand why nobody just wants to be a human. Everyone seems to have a need to seperate themselves from other groups then complain about it.
Reminds me of Animal Farm, everyone is equal but we (insert random group) want to be more equal.
Identity politics man
Everyone wants to be apart of a special group.
But it all goes to shit when the different sides start demonizing each other and it becomes some weird competition of who's the bigger victim.
Both the left and the right are guilty of this
"Since they're black its not racist." I hate their logic of seeing things. When I read that article it stated that they want to show their success to the White community of how many of them graduated.... By slamming people that had nothing to with slavery.
Well it’s like PETA throwing paint on the people who wear fur/leather, they know who won’t fight back. But ya won’t see them doing that to bikers or gangs. Cause they know they will do somethin about it. The students who are doing this shit, know the school won’t do anything about it, cause they wanna save their name from being associated with racism.
A good friend of mine is a "biker." Him and his buddies go round on their bikes just enjoying themselves and occasionally eating at the local places. If PETA tried that shit with them PETA would probably lose a lot of government support cause most of them are Shriners and masons. Just image the media response to PETA attacking a group of middle age-old men all of whom are part of one of the biggest groups of charitable organizations that help children in America.
You couldn't tell the difference. They dress just like normal ones. If PETA went after bikers here they'd not be able to see "oh that's a bunch of shiners and masons."
Well if they wearing Bandidos, Hell’s Angles or Mongols colors there’s a very small chance, maybe closer to none, they are Shriners or Masons. An the motorcycle gangs I’m talkin about are very easily identifiable from the Shriners an Masons
There really aren't very many biker "gangs" anymore comparatively and PETA people probably couldn't tell the difference. They'd be like a lot of people and see a biker no matter what they look like and think "meth dealing gangster"
Okay. I normally try to stay out of racial/political conversations on here. But as a Black Funsubster with undergraduate and graduate degrees from Stanford, I will speak to this directly and personally:
1. The ceremony was held in addition to, not separate from, the actual ceremony.
2. They were celebrating their triumph over the negative, intergenerational effects caused by slavery and the Black diaspora, not celebrating slavery itself.
3. Having graduated from Stanford - twice - I know firsthand that it’s not uncommon for clubs and groups (not necessarily racial) to have their own ‘celebrations’ after the ceremony. Yes, a separate graduation ceremony is uncommon. But the fact that the university recognized its history with slavery and did something to acknowledge those students’ achievement in spite of it was a very generous gesture.
4. I think some of you don’t understand how hard it is to get into these Ivy League/caliber institutions - and then graduate - as a person of color. Although the top 10 do a ‘pretty good’ job at having a balanced class, POCs are still VERY much in the minority. It’s tough going to one of the hardest schools in the WORLD with the brightest people in the WORLD and having very few people who look like you or share similar life experiences to connect with so you have the support to make it through.
5. To put it another way, White people, imagine going to Morehouse or Spelman and being only one of a few people who look like you. Would you feel uncomfortable at times? Would you wonder how to fit in? Would you be upset when you didn’t get invited to parties or study groups with no clear explanation why you’d been left out? You would understand what it’s like to be a Lonely Only. And at times, that isolation can be immobilizing. To the point where you might feel like maybe this Harvard degree just isn’t worth it...
6. Ultimately, this was a celebration of an accomplishment. Although Harvard was integrated, going to Harvard wasn’t even a conceivable option for my parents who grew up in segregation (which was only 1-2 generations ago, in case you forgot). The fact that these kids did what their grandparents couldn’t is an achievement. Let them have their moment.
If I was one of the few people at Spelman who,looked like me, I wouldn't stage a white-only graduation to further separate myself and my group,from the people I wanted to be part of by attending that school.
One half of the comments: this is why my opinion is right, and YOUR opinion is ignorant about how ignorant it is.
Other half: "Mass Effect!"
Me: I know which side I want to be on
· 6 years ago
I forgot to say it at the time but you are my all-time favorite guest.
>segregated america
>whites exclude blacks from many public spaces, use the law to persecute them, discriminate against them for decades, after centuries of enslavement
>blacks, through decades of marches, protests, etc. gain some level of equal standing in society, despite the many racial injustices still occurring throughout the nation
>decide to hold party to celebrate their academic success
>whites butthurt bc not everything's abt them anymore
Correct me if I am mistaken, but isn't it the case for many large universities and larger companies to have insetives for minorities these days? This is probably not so for smaller business and such but regardless, isn't it a little disheartening that a white guy who does ok is passed over for someone less qualified because of their skin color or gender?
liquide's a lad you can stop downvoting
Saying something "is gospel" basically is an idiom you're saying you believe it is the absolute truth, with no room for debate. Written in stone. Its the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. When they said "Don't take this a gospel," they are just saying it's something they've heard, but whether it's accurate or not is still debatable.
@bethorien "definition of chill" mmHMmm sure buddy I think I have proof to say otherwise haha
To me, it's no different than lavender graduations which happen across the country where LGBT students hold their own ceremony to celebrate. Hundreds of academic programs do it as well.
To me, y'all are getting panties in a bundle over nothing. Let them celebrate their achievement in the way they want to.
Reminds me of Animal Farm, everyone is equal but we (insert random group) want to be more equal.
Everyone wants to be apart of a special group.
But it all goes to shit when the different sides start demonizing each other and it becomes some weird competition of who's the bigger victim.
Both the left and the right are guilty of this
1. The ceremony was held in addition to, not separate from, the actual ceremony.
2. They were celebrating their triumph over the negative, intergenerational effects caused by slavery and the Black diaspora, not celebrating slavery itself.
3. Having graduated from Stanford - twice - I know firsthand that it’s not uncommon for clubs and groups (not necessarily racial) to have their own ‘celebrations’ after the ceremony. Yes, a separate graduation ceremony is uncommon. But the fact that the university recognized its history with slavery and did something to acknowledge those students’ achievement in spite of it was a very generous gesture.
6. Ultimately, this was a celebration of an accomplishment. Although Harvard was integrated, going to Harvard wasn’t even a conceivable option for my parents who grew up in segregation (which was only 1-2 generations ago, in case you forgot). The fact that these kids did what their grandparents couldn’t is an achievement. Let them have their moment.
Other half: "Mass Effect!"
Me: I know which side I want to be on
>whites exclude blacks from many public spaces, use the law to persecute them, discriminate against them for decades, after centuries of enslavement
>blacks, through decades of marches, protests, etc. gain some level of equal standing in society, despite the many racial injustices still occurring throughout the nation
>decide to hold party to celebrate their academic success
>whites butthurt bc not everything's abt them anymore