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· 7 years ago
My 19 year old cat that I got when I was 5 died under my bed and I felt really guilty because I wasn’t home until 3am that night and she had passed before I got home. Cried like a baby for a good hour.
· 7 years ago
My best friend's cats always sleep on me whenever I'm at his house. After this post, I think I will appreciate it more.
· 7 years ago
When the only female cat I had passed away (she was called Robin), she did the usual thing she would do at night, she crawled under my blanket and curled up right next to me. The only difference is that her sons and the dad decided to crawl under the blanket as well
· 7 years ago
My cat is about to turn 13 and while that's not that old, he's never acted like a young cat and he struggles going down stairs even now. I'm heading off to uni soon and I'm so worried that he's going to die whilst I'm gone because he follows me around the house, talking to me and sleeping wherever I am. I'm worried that he's going to pine so much that he just dies and it'll break my heart if I get that phone call. I've had him since before i can remember and he was my only friend when I went through problems in lower school. I can't bear the thought of him leaving me.
· 7 years ago
You are taking the damn cat to uni.
· 7 years ago
I'm not allowed to take him to the actual uni unfortunately :( Though, I have a relative who lives very close to my uni of choice. They have 4 cats already but I'm going to try and convince them to take one more.
· 7 years ago
I had to put my cat down about three years ago. He got very sick when he was 7, and was going to be in pain for the rest of his life if we chose to keep him with us. So on the day we took him in to be put to sleep, I held him in my lap in the car, and he purred the whole ride to the vet, and I held him as he fell asleep, and then as he passed. My poor baby purred for me the whole time. This was especially odd for him, since he was VERY vocal about his dislike of cars, and was always a nightmare when it came to the vet. Sometimes I think they just know things, and want to comfort their people in the only way they know how.
· 7 years ago
oh man the feels
· 7 years ago
These ninjas cutting onions need to leave