Well, then I'm glad you're proud of your skin color rather than feeling ashamed. Nobody should let anyone put them down.
Also, I think the point of the whole "gay pride" thing is that we're showing those who fear and hate us that we won't let them silence or change us.
There is a small % of anyone that would fear or hate you and last time I checked the 1st amendment guarantees your rights to speak. So. Uhm I don't understand. Speak where you want to. Say what you want to. Be who you want to be. Well, except some of those tumblr people(seriously, some of them need help.)
You are welcome to love yourself and your color. It's when people act like they are better than everyone else who isn't the same color; that's where the problem starts.
The only problem with "white pride" is that it's so closely associated with all these white power movements and racism, that it's hard to use appropriately. The main reason why there's things like black pride or gay pride is because there's been so much oppression and hate throughout history, so its like a show of defiance against that culture. But there's been almost no hate or oppression against white people themselves.
Really because I know that black pride has been associated with the black panthers, and black lives matter. Both of which were used to harm other races especially white people. You can use skin heads because the equivalent of that would be the black gang that are formed by race black gangs being the most prominent. The kkk can be likened unto the black panthers as well. I would not in any way shape or form say that hitlers regime was in any way shape or form white pride since he killed more white people who were jewish and polish than any other group by far. Now my next question is why is white pride frowned upon when the middle eastern group has almost had as bad or even worse of a history with other races. They enslaved and mistreated 10 times the amount of slaves as white people. In fact their slave trades was more harsh and ran for a longer period of time which lead to more black deaths than the Atlantic slave trade. They also conquered tons of land and harmed a lot of people on th
the way there killing them for not excepting their religion and forcing their own upon them for 100's of years. Why is it socially exceptionable to be proud of your middle eastern heritage and religion but unacceptable for white people? Why also is the actions of past white people brought up constantly but one is almost never mentioned and even forgotten about.
Hitler did kill many white people, but he didn't do it because they were white, but because of nationality, political stance, sexuality, disability, race, or religion. The black panthers and black lives matter have never held a significant position in power or history, and aren't as big a group as the media might have you think. And the results of imperialism can still be seen today, as many countries that were exploited by this are still struggling financially, and it destroyed the cultures of those in those countries.
Yeah but it is hard to say someone is for white pride after they butcher and killed millions of white people. That shows he was really just for the german race not white people. Black lives matter actually did hold significant power but lost it. When you can cause protest that are thousands of people block traffic and get away with it interrupt a politicians speech and hurt people from another race and get away with it you have power. I dont doubt what white people did to the world but my question is what about the other groups of people that have done terrible things. Spaniards who are Hispanic im pretty sure killed and enslaved and ruined all of south and central american and early north western america. Yet again I can bring up the many countries that the middle eastern regimes took over and harshly ruled over it. I dont ignore the actions of white people but I will ask that you notice the harsh and evil things other races have done not just white people. Asian people have had just
as bad as a past with imperial japan and the mongolian empire. I dont feel i need to bring up specifics with this. Now even if we messed it up what is stopping african nations right now from fixing their problems? They receive aid from all over the world but still choose to fight and kill themselves in droves of thousands. No matter in what ways we have tried to help they insist on their actions of brutally butchering and slaughtering the thousands of people there. In fact some experts would say in some cases it was almost better when the European nation was left in charge.
I mean, I think there's a difference. When people say they are proud to be gay, they are saying they are unashamed of something that many people are still trying to shame them for. White people generally don't face that kind of discrimination for being white, at least in the U.S. (yes I'm sure there are isolated cases, but big picture, there's no comparison).
And of course that's not to say anyone should be ashamed to be white, but that you don't have to be that edgy asshole advocating for white pride parades
Well the issue I find is there is no wide scale discrimination that occurs anymore and especially recently I would argue that white people have been discriminated against.
No widespread discrimination? Really? There is widespread support, and states passing laws, for making it legal for wedding cake bakers to refuse serving a couple because they are gay. How many bakeries are allowed to ban service to white people? Furthermore, you're pretty delusional if you think white people are being discriminated against in this country. I say all of this as a white straight person myself.
You being white and straight means nothing btw cause so am i it gives you no advantage in the argument so dont state it. Now as for the gay wedding cake they are allowed to do that a business holds to right to refuse service to anyone. Now yes I do have issues with white racism. Btw i dont mean white people being racist I mean people being racist to white people. For example assuming that when a black man is killed by a white cop the situation must be racist. Another would be groups like mtv coming on and making a resolution for white people and them saying you cant possibly be racist to white people. Are those not evidence enough already? If not I would like to say the constant idea that if you are white and you voted for trump you are a old racist white dude and dont try to tell me this idea is small cause I have seen it first hand and seen it all over the world. Now let me ask you is that being delusional or is that me just observing?
So, if you walked into a bakery and were told "we won't serve you because you are white" you'd be totally cool with it and leave, because "a business holds the right to refuse service" to white people? I highly doubt that. Also, I'm not the one who's downvoting you. This will be my last comment though. I'm a guest so I don't really follow my comments, and I know I won't be able to change your ignorance anyhow.
Didnt say so and yeah I wouldnt care because that is the thing about capitalism it does not turn a good profit to turn away people. I would go to a business who would appreciate me and they would receive my money because a business does reserve that right. To call a differing opinion ignorant really shows the lack of comprehension you posses outside of your little realm. Now if you really would like to beat out my opinion I would suggest focusing on more than just 1/5 of my argument because that is telling me you have nothing to say in response to the rest of my argument.
Geez dude, it's a meme site. Nobody has time to read your whole argument, especially when it's poorly written. Do yourself some favors- study sentence construction, edit your comments to a reasonable length, and, most importantly, try to cultivate some empathy for your fellow humans instead of thinking the world is out to get you because you're a white straight American.
I think the guest does not understand a well thought out argument, differences of opinion, sentences with more than three words. He also doesn't seem to understand the concept of "if you do not have time to read it then don't read or respond to it."
· 8 years ago
I've always looked at pride as something you have over some action. I'm proud of the work I do and the money I make at my job, I'm proud of that deck I built, I'm proud of myself for sticking to my sleep schedule, I'm proud of the things my son does and how he turned out in general, shit like that. "I'm proud that I'm gay" doesn't sound earned, it sounds manufactured. Same as people who are proud to be American. That's not earned, that's having pride for something other people have done and taking some credit that isn't yours.
On the other hand, "I'm proud that I took a 9 inch cock in my throat" is definitely inpressive and worth taking pride in. Like seriously, way to go dude.
Gay pride isn't exactly being "proud", it's more saying that we're not going to change for the ones that fear and hate us, and we love ourselves for who we are.
hey man, being gay isnt a choice but it is still frowned upon, being white isnt a choice but its not frowned upon being white like it is other minorities. just like being gay is frowned upon over being straight. people say they are proud because theyve been targeted just for being what they cannot help, i cannot name someone who has said people has riduculed them because they are white.
Frankly, I appreciate this statement of equality for a change. I'm white and straight and I had no choice in that. I am tired of being put down for who I am. I don't put others down for who they are. Why am I a villain for being who I am when I don't denigrate others?
Unfortunately, there were as many if not more white slaves as there were black slaves existing all over the world. Many times there were not called slaves but indentured servants, which I won't get into but you can look it up. White slavery does still exist as does slavery of every race around the world. You cannot fault someone for being gay, white, black, or any other race or sexual orientation and proud of it.
What bothers me is when white people with the same or better qualifications are passed up because of affirmative action quotas and no one sees the discrimination. Another example is the fact that there is BET or Logo but you cannot have a white entertainment television station or a station that only depicts straight people rather than both homosexual and heterosexual people. If that is not discrimination then I don't know what is.
Agreed. There were more Irish indentured in the North East and Chinese in the West. Otherwise we wouldn't have a transcontinental railroad in the United States.
Also, I think the point of the whole "gay pride" thing is that we're showing those who fear and hate us that we won't let them silence or change us.
. Yall chill out. Listen to that
On the other hand, "I'm proud that I took a 9 inch cock in my throat" is definitely inpressive and worth taking pride in. Like seriously, way to go dude.
What bothers me is when white people with the same or better qualifications are passed up because of affirmative action quotas and no one sees the discrimination. Another example is the fact that there is BET or Logo but you cannot have a white entertainment television station or a station that only depicts straight people rather than both homosexual and heterosexual people. If that is not discrimination then I don't know what is.