we focus to much on our sexuality. how about we fall in love with the person we fall in love with. if you are attracted to guys, good. if you are attracted to girls, also good. why is sexual preference always on the forefront of peoples mind.
· 8 years ago
Because people don't want to be labelled so they label themselves
· 8 years ago
back when yahoo answers was new, say 05 or so. i was big on answering questions for people. one that i will always remember was from a girl wondering if she could call herself vegetarian. apparently she only eats meat when she is having holiday parties with her parents. all the replies were saying "no, you can't be a vegetarian if you eat meat ever" and the like. my reply was similar to the one i gave here. why care about labeling yourself as this or that. if you want to eat just veggies, do it. want a steak once and a while, cool. why care about the label. enjoy a primarily veggie diet, but enjoy your family get-together. once we stop trying to classify everything, we'll finally live happy. we don't need to be something. we just need to be us.
Answer: I'm not bisexual