Obama started but ran out of time. If the dynamic duo were still in office, I feel like good things would still be happening, or at least in the process of happening.
Of course, we cannot praise obama without having someone come in here and say that he was an awful president. It's impossible to mention someone like him in a positive light. :-(
Edited 8 years ago
· 8 years ago
He was good, not the best like some people say he was, but good overall.
I never said I hate him. But as an actual adult whp pays taxes and insurance premiums, I do very m hate whay Obama care did. And as I mentioned, it did have good aspects, such as covering preexisting conditions, but they were outweighed by the major price hikes and penalties which completely negated affordable part
But most of the time, whenever Obama is mentioned, you HAVE to say that he wasn't that good of a president. you dislike it when others have a different opinion.
I liked Obama. He was no saint, but he was the best for the job. He migth have suceeded if checks and balances didn't stop him, or if the next president was on board.
I do not blindly follow or adore him. He made plenty of screw ups, just as all the presidents have. Was he the worst, heck no. Was he the best, also no. Perhaps you are just a little too sensitive.
No one said you had to "blindly follow or adore him", I'm simply saying that you seem to strongly dislike it whenever anyone mentions anything good that he did. Whenever someone says something like, "He did this [one good thing]", you respond by saying "But he did [13 really bad things]". Why is it so bad for people to like what he did? I'm genuinely asking this.
All I see on here is unwavering adoration for him (with the exception of trolls usually), and so I do occasionally feel the need to bring a bit of perspective. I would do the same thing in the real world wjen everyone around me was exalting Bush.
But that's not the case. In many cases they talk about him as if he could do no wrong. I'm not referring to you, I'm referring to some of the others who seem to truly believe that.
We should also be mad at the reason this became necessary. Waayyy too many people look at the ambulance as a free ride to the hospital, or thought it would get them in faster, or thought it would look good on an insurance report. We have transported for the silliest reasons. We had a 17 year old kid who "kinda felt funny earlier", mom and dad decided it would be a good idea to call the ambulance out...mind you there were 3 cars and 4 able bodied adults at the house. We are not allowed to deny transport by law, kid wanted a neato ride in the rig so off we went. Wasting time, money, and resources. Then you have the addicts who sit down on the sidewalk and yell about back pain thinking they will score some opiates. People meet us at the door with bags packed, ready for their free ride. Dude in the minor fender bender starts howling about his neck as soon as we arrive.
This happens so often that we know certain addresses and names by heart.
Fuel isn't free, o2 masks and bottles aren't free, latex gloves aren't free, the extra mileage on the rigs costs money to repair. You get the idea. An ambulance should be used for emergencies but it is abused by so many people that I can see why they would start charging for it. Some nights 5 out of 6 calls are unnecessary and it is frustrating to be transporting someone who stubbed their toe and have a real emergency happen.
Insurance usually pays for it, I know of people who will call for a ambulance because they are too lazy to drive to the hospital themselves. Even if they are fully capable.
Not all ambulances cost. And if you see a stranger having a medical emergency you should call 911 for them instead of waiting. I cannot stress this enough.
OBAMA??? he messed this up worse then it already was you can keep your current doctor and you bill wont go up and so on and so on but keep lying to your self about obama. but i know trump has been in office for 2 weeks and hasn't fixed this yet he is a terrible president. how about we give him the 8 years it to obama to break this i mean he dose have to fix other little problems obama left him like the middle east, iran, north korea. racial division, unemployment, divide between police and community, yup obama the great.
My sister does gymnastics and if anyone falls and looks like they have injured their neck, the coaches HAVE to call an ambulance (we're in Australia, same kinda price as America).We end up paying $500 a year in insurance because we dread having to pay out the 2000 if something does happen. Funny that even though we have Medicare and general medical isn't that expensive, ambulances are still way overpriced
It's scary in the UK right now because there are politicians actively trying to tear down our national health service.....the government doesn't even care...
· 8 years ago
one day i walking around at night. i heard a thud and tuned and saw a car out of control. it jumped a few dividers in a parking lot and nearly went into a ditch. luckily a slab of concrete from the end of the parking lot split and wedged itself against his door. i managed lifting the slab and freed the guy who was extremely out of it. his axle was snapped and he was still trying to drive, luckily he wasn't going anywhere. i was unable to get through to him so i stepped away called 911 and waited on the side until the ambulance got there. as soon as they got to him i walked off. i knew that once he got the bill for the ambulance he would be pissed at me once he became sober. i didn't want him to know who i was.
Jackson was an argumentative guy who liked to caused problems. Kinda reminds me of someone else...
This happens so often that we know certain addresses and names by heart.