dude, nobody should have to sign up for the draft. i .ean ,like, if you have a war that you dont have enough soldiers sign up for willingly its quite obvious the people dont stand behind it. so why should they fight it?
Thats a great point, but sadly that isn't how Wars work, a country can't just stop fighting a war without having a lot of negative impacts on the country. A war is meant to protect a country or its views, whether or not the people support it. For example how A lot of people hated the Vietnam War which was to stop the spread of communism, yet a lot of people were afraid of communism at that time, or how no one liked the Civil War yet if we hadn't fought that we would still have terrible things such as slavery in America. Wars are fought for a reason, just because the people don't support that reason or don't understand the reason doesn't mean it shouldn't be fought or that it won't be fought.
As a woman, I would be fine with having to sign up for the draft. That truly is equality. Are all people (women included) cut out for the service? No. Should we ever find ourselves in a situation where a draft is required? I hope and pray not. But women and men should be considered equally. At the same time, we can't have the vast majority of a country's generation sent out to war at once. I heard an argument that someone, women in this case, have to run the household and live proudly in their country while the fight rages on, but I think that both males and females should be able to serve or stay, that it shouldn't be tied to gender.
Agree with GUEST..but I also think that 18 is way to young to require someone to sign up for the draft. If they keep it at that age, then you should be able to drink at that age. If they think you're mature enough to fight a war, then you should be mature enough to drink. I'm not advocating to lower the drinker age but to increase the age that one is 'expected' to sign up for the draft.
I just don't feel like people should be forced to go to war or be in the military male or female even when I first learned about the draft I thought it was stupid.
· 8 years ago
Aren't our robots and drones sophisticated enough to fight for us yet?
stop trying to make feminism and equality sound like a bad thing. Equality means we are treated the same and woman not being drafted is ridiculous! We are strong enough to fight for our country and any stupid head who says we shouldn't isn't aiming for equality they're aiming to make women look weak. This is why we need equality. So people stop looking at girls as the weaker sex and start looking at both genders as equals.