America consists of native people as well as immigrants. Their is no such thing as Americans, because you all come from Europe or other places in the world. Go eat a baguette and go to sleep!
Guest, go fuck yourself, because you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. I was just about done on this post, too, but now you had to go and say some shit like that!
When have I ever claimed to not be a hypocrite? But to clarify, I was telling you to fuck off because my intense national pride was wounded when you told me to go eat a baguette. I am an American. My ancestors may have been immigrants, but I am very much proud of where my country has been, but at the moment, I'm not so proud of where it is going.
· 8 years ago
Guys, we don't even know if he's American or not. The Muslim population in Europe is quite great, I heard
I think that you should realise that this is a stupid argument to have in relation to this post. This was just a post about a kid who didn't want to get in trouble. It is a kid imitating his mom so that she won't punish him for his bad grades. It in no way is related to politics. Unless you are concerned about kids dressed as their moms walking around all over the place. Which honestly isn't that big a deal and doesn't really relate to politics at all. This was a fun post please don't make it your job to ruin fun posts with racism, misguided fear, and political views.