I know! This is literally the exact opposite of what he was created to oppose! His original creators, you know, the /Jewish/ ones, are turning in their graves
Cap threw one of his teammates out of a plane and said "Hail Hydra" revealing he is, and has apparently always been, a Hydra mole. People have lost their shit, justifiably,
A lot of people are pissed, they think it's just another gimmick to get readers, but I can see this backfiring big time. And it could influence the popularity of Cap in the MCU and if that happens Big Daddy Disney isn't going to be happy. They don't like anything that might impact their merchandising.
This is exactly what I was referring to when I said Disney wasn't going to be happy. Because while they are two seperate entities, MCU and Matvel comics, people see them as one, and thats going to affect Disney. That alone gives me hope that this will be rectified.
Its like they saw the success of a double agent in Agents of SHIELD and said "Hey, lets do that but instead of a new character, lets destroy one of our most iconic (and profitable) characters. You know, for funsies."