I don't think the number of people he killed is all that impressive honestly. I mean just look at that fucking sniper. It's massive. You could really hurt someone with that thing, so why are we surprised?
Not quite sure if "bad people" accurately describes violent blood-thirsty killers, rapists and overall power-hungry sociopaths willing to murder anyone who does not submit to their view, innocent or otherwise. There are types of people that outgrow the concept of Evil... You probably think that by ignoring their actions they will "go away" or something, or that you can come to terms with them because "they are human beings too"...? Well, no. The punishment has to fit the crime. Utilitarian views are valid but you forget these people operate on a different level - outside the social precepts of a civilized society.
If my dog takes a shit in the living room...BAD DOG. Bunch of thugs executing women, children, men - while destroying any vestige of civilization and basically attempting to throw the most volatile region of this planet back into the dark ages? That's not bad. That's human greed and evil. I wouldn't glorify the sniper, but he's doing what he must.
I'm getting really tired of people trying to take the high moral ground in a debate by saying no one should do horrible things, even if horrible shit is being done to them by detestable individuals. All you're saying is, "Well, yeah, that guy hit you over the head with a brick and says he wants to kill and rape you, but that doesn't mean you should fight back if he actually tries it. Just lie down and wait for someone who is morally superior to tell that person off, and hopefully they'll feel sorry enough to not do it again for at least a week." Fuck off. Seriously, a lot of fucking change in the world wasn't made by lying down and hoping it all stops. "Becuase it's wrong to ANY harm, regardless of the situation.
If my dog takes a shit in the living room...BAD DOG. Bunch of thugs executing women, children, men - while destroying any vestige of civilization and basically attempting to throw the most volatile region of this planet back into the dark ages? That's not bad. That's human greed and evil. I wouldn't glorify the sniper, but he's doing what he must.