I am a feminist and I wholeheartedly agree with this post! Its so awful that custody is so often awarded to unfit mothers simply because they carried the child for 9 months. I've known great fathers who only have weekends instead of primary custody simply because of this gender inequality
Wasn't there a thing where a guy got sent to jail because the ex wife met with the judge and secretly changed the terms and he paid too much child support and went to jail when they didn't notify him of the changes ?
That's because as first wave feminists were fighting for voting rights, some were still trying to make it so that they were equal to men but natural caregivers so women should always get custody of the child because " men aren't as good or kind " so that judge bias has stayed around.
the biases are linked, women raise children, they stay at home, they make homes, they are held responsible for care of surprise kids, and they tend to get custody as a result of all this. equality for all means banishing these stereotypes and kids actually going to the fittest parent.
Well considering that I personally know of one man who had to sell everything he owned (house, car, everything) to get custody of his daughter from the mother whom was abusing the poor girl in every way possible (even letting her boy friend rape the girl!) I can say that this post is 100% true. I also know a guy who was lucky and it only cost him $2000 to get custody of his son but that was only because the mother attacked him in the court room.
WOW Why isn't that woman and her boyfriend in jail?
· 9 years ago
In the american and canadian legal systems if they can pay bail then they can basically walk free until the trial date, which can be a year or two later
I don't rightly know why they weren't locked up or why the father even had to go to court to get custody it should have been given to him by default since all the crap was going on which is partly what makes me so mad about that incident in general, not to mention the poor girl is a mental wreck, frankly I think it would have been appropriate to just skip jail time for those two and go straight to the gallows!
· 9 years ago
I wish my dad had had custody of me when I was growing up.
I'm a 14 year old girl, my parents are going through a divorce right now and honestly I'd rather be with my mom almost 24/7, I love my dad and he hasn't wronged me but he just doesn't understand me and he has a really short temper so I'd much rather live full time with my mom but I'm sure once they go to court with the divorce my dad will at least get weekends which kind of sucks but...that's whatever
My dad was married to another woman before my mum and they had two kids when she threatened to move states and take my brother and sister with her but didn't, she then got custody of apart from every second weekend which dad got until my half sister got kicked out of home by her mother and started living full time with us but we still never see the brother.
On the other side however the sister was then in a mostly emotional but also a bit physical abusive relationship. After splitting up he broke into their house with a knife and it was only because she'd foreseen that that she wasn't home and everyone was okay. There was a 3 year old and 4 month old at the time the separated. The 3 year old kept saying that he "didn't want to see Daddy" and that "Daddy hit me when Mummy wan't home" but he still got weekends for the 3 year old and a couple of supervised hours for the 4 month old until she was finished breast feeding when he'd get weekends. However if this were the other way around and
the mum were the abusive one it would be even more likely that she'd get more custody which is not okay. Sorry for the long post and if you've kept reading this far here's a virtual cookie.
Nobody gives a fuck about you having a few more standards for the way you fucking dress, we are talking about fathers never seeing their children again and possibly the children being given to an abusive mother because the court rules in favor of the mother almost every damn time. Fuck outta here with that low level bullshit.
I agree with the guest. The dress code is an inequality but it's such a smaller matter compared to custody. Kinda stupid to try and throw it in with custody saying it's bad
School dress codes are closer to heart for us young adults though. I'm not sure if I saw it on FS, but I read a thing someone wrote about the difference between Umbridge and Voldemort. Voldy is indeed the worse of the two; he's a genocidic and almost soulless creature who murders without a second thought. But why do we hate Umbridge more? Because she represents that bitch teacher or that bastard authority figure who finds ways to make us suffer. And almost everyone's experienced that person. But much less people have been affected by genocide and murder.
Yes but honestly it's not even a huge deal. Get over it. This is something that actually affects your life. Not some temporary thing while you're in school
it is a big deal, it makes young men and women grow up with completely wrong ideas about bodies and bodily rights. if you don't get custody of your child, it will be most likely your own fault.
In context with the post it makes it out to be that dress codes are one of the biggest inequalities. "One of the biggest gender inequalities in America is a father's custody rights after a divocrce and school dress codes." That's how it sounds. From a son of a father who had to fight for custody don't compare the petty things to the life changing ones.
On the other side however the sister was then in a mostly emotional but also a bit physical abusive relationship. After splitting up he broke into their house with a knife and it was only because she'd foreseen that that she wasn't home and everyone was okay. There was a 3 year old and 4 month old at the time the separated. The 3 year old kept saying that he "didn't want to see Daddy" and that "Daddy hit me when Mummy wan't home" but he still got weekends for the 3 year old and a couple of supervised hours for the 4 month old until she was finished breast feeding when he'd get weekends. However if this were the other way around and