Actually, this is a real school with a real dresscode like that. Its insane, all the shirts have to have sleeves, and girls cannot show their collarbones or knees. And yes, this is a public school.
Honesty, I'm wondering what school this picture is from. Because I'm in Kentucky currently, and with the school close to mine banning ankles, it wouldn't surprise me they would flip over collarbones too.
I highly doubt this is true. Do you have a source to prove me otherwise?
Edit: guys aren't even interested in you, most the time we're to busy talking to one-another to give a shit about what you're wearing.
This hasn't happened yet but it came really close to this one girl. She is lucky she had a jacket or else she would have been sent home and counted absent which results as a parent teacher conference
THIS MAKES ME SO ANGRY. I READ THE WHOLE STORY AND APPERNTLY SHE EVEN PUT ON A SCARF THAT COVERED HER COLLAR BONE AND STILL GOT SENT HOME!! I don't understand why this is such a big problem. I understand dress coding someone for having their butt be visible but not a collar bone. like she can't wear that because some dude is going to be distracted by A NECK!!!
*brings people from the 1700's to a beach in the middle of the summer*
· 9 years ago
Yowza! Look at those collar bones! Also note the cheek structure. Indeed this is the reason why I failed history. Not because im a terrible student. Nope. Its all on her.
I understand inappropriate clothing is unacceptable, but teachers at my schools do not have outfits that covering (not sexually but wearing dresses and skirts showing their knees (I know, knees *gasp). This is ridiculous, why should women be made to do anything because it 'distracts men', I understand the school having a dress code, mine does too, but being sent home cause your collar bone is showing is ridiculous!!!!
...I see a knee in the background.. *gasp* but no not as bad as the collar bone
· 9 years ago
My school has taken to calling shoulders "[Principal] Boobs" cause apparently shoulders are either too close to your boobs, or they resemble them too much.
Yes it is absolutely the school system's most important job to prevent girls from flaunting scandalous things like collarbones, ankles, or- god forbid- a shoulder. What? Education? Who can think of education at a time like this? All these female whippersnappers are baring so much skin and distracting the horny 14 year old boys. It's not like this is the 21st century or anything where girls can dress modestly while showing knees or a collarbone.
"Because it distracts men" If they are distracted by a collar bone, then those bright colors on the textbook must be mesmerizing, and don't get me started on the outrageously fascinating floor pattern! By God, men must be distracted by everything!
(*Freaking idiotic school systems promoting gender inequality*)
You know, by this logic, they should ban girls who have to nice eyes, smiles or even look at a boy.
I think it's ridiculous because it's sexist to both girls and boys, telling the girls to hide their bodies as if it were a horrible inappropriate thing, and portraying males as these animals uncapable of controlling themselves, where in reality not all guys are perverts, and the vast majoriity don't give a french seal about a shoulder or a knee or a freaking collarbone. And in real life, which school is supposed to prepare us for, there are legs and people will show skin. And it's not a big deal unless you make it one.
Then why don't they just make them wear school uniform with strict regulation? In my country, every school has to wear school uniform so there's no such thing as kid sent home because of their clothes.
Your school's AP classes are easier than my school's remedial algebra course. Just because your class is CALLED AP doesn't mean your specific school has a good curriculum. But as a Kentuckian you probably wouldn't understand that even if I explain it in depth to you.
World civ is the hardest ap class there is and excuse you, all ap classes are standardized and they are all the same no matter what school you go to. You need to stop.
Also 'world civ' is generally known as AP world history, which means that since the name for it is different at your school, it is safe to assume that your curriculums can differ as well.
Ok that's funny because at my school the smart kids take algebra 2/tri in 9th grade, and algerba 2 is for the slower kids. The absolutely idiotic kids take Geometry in 9th grade. In addition, world civ is not nearly the hardest Ap. That title most likely belongs to the class I'm taking, AP Physics C/EM, which is two years of physics crammed into a single high school course. I am also concurrently taking AP Gov/Econ (two classes in one), AP calculus BC, and AP Computer science.
World civ is just a general name and it has the lowest percentage of people who passed the national test. And my school doesn't offer alg 2/trig, sorry. Algebra 2 is the most advanced class offered for sophomores. Look, I don't wanna argue about who is smarter, my initial point was that you were rude for calling me dumb. No apology needed, stopping the argument will be fine.
Ok. But as your school doesn't offer algebra 2/trig, it is safe to say that your state at least has a slightly lower academic level than others. Perhaps you yourself are intelligent, but not the majority of your state, unfortunately.
How is it racist, you idiot? Do you know what racist means? EDIT: thepotatoshaveeyes is fucking retarded. Source: unbackable claims that stem from a lack of knowledge about just about everything. Remedy: suicide.
Probably banned because some weak piece of shit couldn't handle an opinion and reported all of their comments and posts. This theory is possible due to the large amount of mindless weaklings that populate this site.
Please do..I'm so done with this argument. All I said that was it was rude to call people you haven't met dumb and it turned into a full fledged war. Goodness, sorry for being so dumb I can't function.
Let's just say that if you've avoided having religion invade your classes up to this point, you're in pretty good shape. :D
Also, what is with the "potato" users on FS? I get that the fascination with potatoes in posts points to a simpler mind and/or sense of humor, but some of these people...ugh. Some of them seem borderline trolltarded.
*sigh* ok, ill start. hello people on the internet. You are all entitled to your opinions. Have a great rest of your day and try to say kind words. p.s. You all look fabulous today.
And another thing. What's with the rampant reassurance of internet strangers' physical appearance? It always comes off as empty and insincere, and besides, there's more important things than looks in this world, especially for young women, but God forbid I mention it lest this become yet another feminist clusterfuck.
Well, physical attractiveness isn't the most important thing, nor will it get you very far in life.
For that, you just have to be willing to put out, for anybody, at the drop of the hat.
Most women these days are told that looking good = being good. While men are taught to pursue dreams like being an astronaut or the president, women are told to look good, and they strive to look good. While men are seen to have merit based on their intelligence and achievements, society defines the worth of a woman by her looks. And, while men are partially to blame for this, women who follow this expectation are also at fault for perpetuating and strengthening it.
so, wait, putting out is the important thing? i mean, i can definitely say that putting out has gotten me things, mostly the joy of putting out, and typically free food and drink to go along with it, i've never seen it actually get anyone anywhere, as men don't *actually* move the world for the women they are hooking up with.... i would go so far as to say the important thing is not to fall for that, have sex for fun, hell, have it for payoffs im not one to judge... but getting ahead in life? thats a world full of false promises and broken hearts.
Edit: guys aren't even interested in you, most the time we're to busy talking to one-another to give a shit about what you're wearing.
(*Freaking idiotic school systems promoting gender inequality*)
You know, by this logic, they should ban girls who have to nice eyes, smiles or even look at a boy.
Also, what is with the "potato" users on FS? I get that the fascination with potatoes in posts points to a simpler mind and/or sense of humor, but some of these people...ugh. Some of them seem borderline trolltarded.
For that, you just have to be willing to put out, for anybody, at the drop of the hat.