So... did he do it on purpose? Because if it was accidental, people are really going overboard with the hate and nasty comments. Forgive my ignorance, I'm just unaware of the full story.
Edited 9 years ago
· 9 years ago
Nope, purely intentional.
· 9 years ago
Okay then, that's not cool. But some people really are going overboard with the hate. Condemning something or someone does not mean we have to use rage and blunt hatred.
He paid 50g to hunt a lion that they lured away from its camp, shot it, beheaded it and then skinned it. It wasn't a sport, it was like shooting a sleeping dog. It was just sad
Now see, I did not know that :3 the news article I read didn't mention that. Stupid incompetent Yahoo! news.
I'm on board -- what a f*cking asshole!
no one is selling aborted baby parts,,God almighty please turn off your computer and shoot your ignorant self,,,where do you dumbasses get this shit,ohh yea fox new,,fucking idiots
I agrea, not sure what's more sad that one person actually believes this or that six people also grea with and believe it,,,,that is the problem in America today that baseless accusations that are devoid of any truth are accepted as facts
@honeylamb...false equivalency is false. Try again.
· 9 years ago
Sorry you disagree, it's just my opinion. I didn't know I couldn't have one, and I didn't know it was illegal to post something "off topic." I'm sorry that enrages you so much, but I'm more sorry you told me to "shoot my ignorant self," that's just cruel, and harsh. Haven't you read anything about cyber bullying?
Guest she was just expressing herself. There is absolutely no need to be hateful and condescending. Whether shes right or wrong you don't talk to a fellow human like that. We have to stick together. Please, form an intelligent argument or leave the site. Good day.
she can express herself, but what she was doing was not that she was telling a point blank lie,,,and the problem with that is the five people who like that lie, will take it as fact and tell five more,who will do the same,,there is a difference in telling your opinion and telling a blantent LIE
Okay but have you thought that maybe she honestly thinks that? Instead of telling her to commit suicide, why dint you calmly explain to her why shes wrong? At least them she'll actually listen and you'll educate a bunch of people.
also like how you tell the commenter to make a intellengent argument or leave the site,,,how about the unintelligent statement that was made to start this all,,how can anyone respond intellengently when someone make such a narrow minded ignorant statement to start with, there is no reason to respond intellengently she obvious wouldn't understand it anyways
I am the one that made the original guest comment,,,I think it funny y'all are more offended by me telling her to shoot herself than the ignorance she spouted in her original comment,,,sorry to offend but it's me expressing my feeling. people like her shouldn't be allowed to stay alive and spread bullshit like that,,,,why it's ok for her to express herself but when people like who are tired of the blantent bullshit being spouted by people like her say our opinion. it's not ok
Umm, yeah ?
Obviously it's more offensive to tell someone to kill themselves than it is to have an opinion on a controversial topic. Maybe Honeylamb was wrong but none of y'all presented her with any other info besides " well you're wrong !!" And no proof supporting your side of the argument. Y'all immediately jumped to threats, which is illegal and if she wanted could have your ass in court.
Hmm, I read that as far as the dentist knew it was a legal hunt and he was misguided and scammed by illicit hunting guides. Sort of like buying a car at a dealership only to find out later it was stolen. I also read that PP admitted to the sales but said there was nothing illegal involved because the tissue was used by research labs and the sale price was to cover shipping costs. Name calling guest needs to read more and criticize less.
· 9 years ago
He knew it wasn't legal because the lion was baited out of the sanctuary.
The hunt itself was unethical but it's fully possible that his guides misled him about the legality of the hunt. Also, the reactions that I've seen so far seem pretty freaking excessive.
this is true, however, the claim of ignorance to a crime you participate in doesn't stand in court. the petition to have him sent back to Zimbabwe to face charges is being considered by the white house after it gained 140,000 signatures in 3 days, 100,000 is needed in 30 to be reviewed.
The part that really frustrates me is he said in response 'if I knew this would be the outcome then I would not have done it'.
Like if he knew the outcome of his trip to Zimbabwe to hunt a lion with a bow and arrow would have ended up with a dead lion he wouldn't have done it?! Lying sack of shit. I'm glad there is such an outcry around the world, but it shouldn't have taken a 'famous' lion for this disgusting 'hobby' to be bought to the forefront of people's minds.
It's not about "the outcome is a dead lion", it's about "the outcome is everyone in the world hating me more than the people who run their countries and leave them working like animals for shitty salaries". Seriously, of course this man is a complete douchebag, seriously, fuck him, but aren't we all losing energy hating on him instead of trying to make things progress?
Some people are loudly crying over the carcass of Cecil but will never give a single penny to the young homeless woman sleeping in their street every night. Sense of priorities, anyone?
Sucks for the people that work in his office who might lose their job because their boss is a jackass. Apparently, Cecil the lion was a national treasure and the subject of a study funded by Oxford. Super fail...
Well, hunting for fun or prestige is stupid. But guys, after all this is a lion. Not that I don't care, lions are living creatures as we are, but the life this lion isn't more worth as the life of every other lion (or animal). So when you hate this guy, then not because he killed THIS lion or because HOW he killed him but WHY he killed him. Killing isn't a sport, it's a natural act in the nature. Because he killed a lion for fun I hate him nothing else.
uuuh, i can feel that burn all the way here.
On a more serious note, it's true, people should care more about other people, too. Still, I don't think it's wrong to make some fuss about this particular lion because those beasts are endangered and even if they weren't, I find it completely distasteful to hunt animals for sport. All the bother and money this hunter put into tracking and finding and killing this poor lion he could've donated to charity or something of the sort. Caring for the people more and for sport-hunting less, get me?
*insert unpopular opinion puffin* just saying,i don't see people get this upset everytime someone shoots a deer. Yeah, there are less lions and it was young so that was wrong but killing an animal is killing an animal and if people don't really care about hunting things like deer you shouldn't be giving these nasty of comments and hate to him.... (though he totally shouldn't have done that and I don't like him much either)
Most people who hunt deer eat it. He hunted the lion shot it with a compound bow it didnt kill him so they tracked it for a while and he shot it with a gun and cut off its head and left the body to rot. Theres game hunting (for food & sport) and theres trophy hunting for sport.
Interesting how this is probably the first time any of us have heard about Cecil however this mob justice mentality on the internet is ruining this man's life as well as those who surround him that rely on him for their income etc. Let's leave it to the justice system to deem this man guilty or not guilty.
· 9 years ago
He is already guilty he admitted he did it but claimed he didnt know it was a protected lion with a gps collar. While i can believe he didnt know it was cecil ignorance doesnt excuse it.
This man's life should be ruined what he did was horrible and far beyond inhumane!!! He deserves everything he gets
· 9 years ago
He might not have known who the lion was, but if I remember the story correctly, he WAS aware the lion was baited out of the sanctuary. He knew what he did was wrong.
It's not his fault, he did it legally. His guides are the ones that should be getting all of this. He is from freaking Minnesota , how's he supposed to know where the tagged lions are in Africa?
Edited 9 years ago
· 9 years ago
When you bait a lion out of a sanctuary you know thats not a legal lion to hunt. And minnesota is not alaska. The main clue it was illegal is they are trying to extradite him back there to face charges....
· 9 years ago
Quoted from cnn: What's the uproar about?
Palmer is in the public crosshairs after the Zimbabwe Conservation Task Force said Cecil the lion was lured out of an animal sanctuary in Zimbabwe and shot with a crossbow.
But his death wasn't immediate.
Cecil lived another 40 hours until the hunters tracked him down and shot him with a gun. He was then skinned and beheaded.
The hunters also tried to destroy the GPS collar that Cecil was wearing as part of research backed by Oxford University, the conservation group said.
Recent reports are that the meat goes to local tribes and towns, so the meat wasn't a waste. Also, the media is blowing this up as something they locals care about, when most don't even know it happened, nor do they care. They have bigger issues to worry about.
Ahhh...the bravery of those who put the Rot In Hell sign anonymously on his office door, and who phone in death threats. That's SURE to convince people that you are the more moral person than some jerk who killed one frickin lion. Next up: some hashtag campaign to make people FINALLY realize that rape is wrong or that bullying is mean.
How hard is it to focus on the issue at hand? He paid to track and shoot a lion for no fucking reason and didn't even kill it in a painless way. Maybe if he experienced how the lion felt before it was slaughtered he'd understand. He deserves worse than having to shut down his practice
so one guy kills a lion and the whole world loses their shit, but millions of cows, chickens, sheep, etc. are killed everyday and no one blinks an eye? what makes one animal more superior than another? this is no doubt an incredibly sad tragedy but people need to open their eyes a little wider to see the bigger picture
This lion was baited and killed for entertainment - without consideration. Animals killed in the meat industry are killed humanely and LEGALLY, so stop your vegan preaching
Now see, I did not know that :3 the news article I read didn't mention that. Stupid incompetent Yahoo! news.
I'm on board -- what a f*cking asshole!
Obviously it's more offensive to tell someone to kill themselves than it is to have an opinion on a controversial topic. Maybe Honeylamb was wrong but none of y'all presented her with any other info besides " well you're wrong !!" And no proof supporting your side of the argument. Y'all immediately jumped to threats, which is illegal and if she wanted could have your ass in court.
Like if he knew the outcome of his trip to Zimbabwe to hunt a lion with a bow and arrow would have ended up with a dead lion he wouldn't have done it?! Lying sack of shit. I'm glad there is such an outcry around the world, but it shouldn't have taken a 'famous' lion for this disgusting 'hobby' to be bought to the forefront of people's minds.
Some people are loudly crying over the carcass of Cecil but will never give a single penny to the young homeless woman sleeping in their street every night. Sense of priorities, anyone?
On a more serious note, it's true, people should care more about other people, too. Still, I don't think it's wrong to make some fuss about this particular lion because those beasts are endangered and even if they weren't, I find it completely distasteful to hunt animals for sport. All the bother and money this hunter put into tracking and finding and killing this poor lion he could've donated to charity or something of the sort. Caring for the people more and for sport-hunting less, get me?
Palmer is in the public crosshairs after the Zimbabwe Conservation Task Force said Cecil the lion was lured out of an animal sanctuary in Zimbabwe and shot with a crossbow.
But his death wasn't immediate.
Cecil lived another 40 hours until the hunters tracked him down and shot him with a gun. He was then skinned and beheaded.
The hunters also tried to destroy the GPS collar that Cecil was wearing as part of research backed by Oxford University, the conservation group said.