I was at a party and this kid from Spain just moved in and some kids told him to drink a whole red bull and he completely flipped out then when he crashed he just passed out
Whenever someone gets lucky charms i eat all the marshmallows out of it and i feel fine because i'm used to it
· 9 years ago
I was raised on super healthy food. I wasn't allowed soda or anything like that until I was like 10. I used to put froot loops on my Christmas wish list because I loved them so much
To be fair, even though I've never had lucky charms because I'm from Australia, I'd reckon the only reason they're so sweet and sugary and full of marshmallows is because the cereal tastes so shit by itself - like take away the marshmallows and extra stuff and it'd taste like cardboard....
So Lucky Charms were sold as standard when I was growing up (in the UK) and I was so gutted when they stopped doing them, now they're back and I, a 28 year old grown woman, jumped up and down and felt so happy when I spent the extortianate £6 on a box, and they tasted just as good as I remember!
I thought it was a sign that I was getting old when I got Lucky Charms and it was so sugary and full of marshmallows that I had to mix Cheerios to eat it.
I mostly have rice based cereals.