It's actually impressive how many things people can take that are completely unrelated to anything they're talking about and smash them together in the hopes that some gullible person out there will see it and say "That is so true. You are so right." At least their imaginations are working if not much else.
What the...Wow. Some people will pick at anything they can see just to find something to be mad about, i.e. the cheerios comercial with an interracial family. Seiously, no one cares until it is pointed out.
I'm not a feminist but If this was the olden times I could see where they're coming from with this story. Men use to have the slaughter there own meat for the family dinners, so the women were eating something that the man got and the bigger it was the more manly he is. And being feminists they'd probably rather go kill there own food but feels that society frowns upon it so that's why they feel the need to write an article. Again I'm assuming, but this seem like the most logical reason.
· 9 years ago
Any time when people had to go out and spear a pheasant or two for dinner probably didn't live in a society or time where any notion of feminism existed anyway. Seriously, we've had farming and ranches for centuries. It's not like the 1950's were a time when society didn't exist
I ran over a squirrel on the road today. I clearly have repressed homosexual tendencies which mask my need to be a transgender male. I wonder how that fits into my happily-married-hetero-female facade. :D
Why is feminist in this title? this obviously is just some nutter, so why put feminism into it.... unless you really want to missrepresent or discredit and important and genuine movement. Your a lame troll...
Now my rant has lost it power :(