Listen, I'm a real adult, like with kids and wrinkles and gray hairs, and sometimes I'll be driving down the road and it hits me--how did I get old and still not know what the fuck I'm doing?
I know what's going on... The terrible things I have seen prevent me from being able to trust another human being; I have seen the wizard behind the curtain of the human mind and it chills me to my bone. Every morning I wake up in cold sweats. I have seen true evil, and the worst thing is that I am part of it
· 9 years ago
You don't have to be a part of that evil anymore. You can make an account and show us your true self on funsubstance! :) No more hiding amongst the evil guests. Join us!
I always thought adults had the answer. And now that I'm an adult....its all bullshit. They only know what caused them pain and misery. So there is value in wisdom of age. However... they have no idea of the path that you will be taking in life. They may have wisdom to offer. But it's your life. Your path. Listen to those who have experienced or dont. It's up to you. It's your journey.
I'm 25 actually :D