I watched a documentary on this and it's absolutely amazing. It was invented by a B.C. doctor so it's good to know the area I live in there's people changing the world.
I had lasik a few years ago, it doesn't hurt, they numb it up and all you feel is a very slight pinch when they cut the membrane that seals your eye ball (I can't think of the name)
· 9 years ago
I just cringed at that, guest. I'd probably lose my nerve and run screaming out of the place the minute I saw a needle or something coming towards my eye
I've had two eye surgeries and it wasn't that bad. Although, you are VERY awake and able to carry out full conversations with your doctor during the procedure. He asked me what rock star would he be if he were a rock star. Cool guy, really. And yes, you can see them while it happens, but if it makes you feel any better, it's kind of blurry.
· 9 years ago
Thank god I have good eyesight, I'd probably still freak out
If it makes you feel any better, even IF you suddenly developed cataracts, surgery isn't a first resort. I only had it because I was legally blind and even then it was optional. Though the freaking out part is normal, it's weird feeling! I could see my LENS MOVE when I looked in the mirror! It wiggled!
It's actually a pretty sound investment if you have the money. It may not be necessary but it gives you perfect vision forever without any additional costs or maintenance. That's very far from useless if you have impaired vision of any kind.
And to support my claim, 20/10 vision is possible but it's based on a fluke guess technically speaking. The ability to see 20/20 is a representation of "perfect vision at 20 feet" for example: 20/30 means what the average person can read at 30 feet, the patient must be 10 feet closer to read (or at 20 feet to read). The eye physically CANNOT and is therefore incapable of being better than what we call 20/20.
20/20 vision is considered "normal" vision, however to say somebody (who does not need glasses) has "good" vision typically means their sight is 20/15 or 20/10, both of which are possible (although as you say, 20/10 is rare)
20/20 is, for example, the legal minimum to enlist as a fighter pilot.
The Snellen Eye chart goes all the way to 20/5 (which is all but unheard of in humans) but many people can see the 3rd from the bottom row (20/15) clearly
In conclusion: 20/20 is not "perfect" it is the average norm for healthy eyes, however many people have 20/15 and some even have 20/10 (and of course the other increments inbetween those)
20/20 vision is considered "normal" vision, however to say somebody (who does not need glasses) has "good" vision typically means their sight is 20/15 or 20/10, both of which are possible (although as you say, 20/10 is rare)
20/20 is, for example, the legal minimum to enlist as a fighter pilot.
The Snellen Eye chart goes all the way to 20/5 (which is all but unheard of in humans) but many people can see the 3rd from the bottom row (20/15) clearly
In conclusion: 20/20 is not "perfect" it is the average norm for healthy eyes, however many people have 20/15 and some even have 20/10 (and of course the other increments inbetween those)