Lol, yeah, well... I live with my dad and stepmom. I'm a christian and they're not, so I tend to avoid them. I'm an introvert by nature, but they say/do things I don't agree with. I have plenty of christian brothers and sisters anyway. :) They're more 'family like' than my real family anyway...
I remember when I downloaded The Fappening from piratebay, and the next day my friend told me he'd just borrowed my computer so he could download Formula One from piratebay.
He saw it. I know he did. He put that 'F' in the search bar.. and he saw it.
Pervert... I wouldn't go bragging about a sex crime
Edited 10 years ago
· 10 years ago
Hey, whoa, now, just slow down. Free images are on the Internet. If those images just HAPPEN to be naked women, how does that make him a pervert? He is sexually attracted to them, so he finds naked pictures get the idea. It's like if YOU were sexually attracted to walnuts, and then you look up pictures of walnuts. Does that make you a pervert? With your flawed logic, yes. Oh wait, you ARE a walnut. Walnuts can't type, so GTFO. *puts on shades* *strides away epically*
I'm not sure if you're 100% sure what he was looking up. I was referring to what Jennifer Lawrence said about her pics being leaked. People who sought out the "Fappening" were clearly seeking out photos that those women didn't want released. I have nothing against porn at all, my comment only was related to the individual actively searching for these particular pictures.
Feel free to read Jennifer's full comments in the article, but from wikipedia "In an interview with Vanity Fair, Jennifer Lawrence called the leak a "sex crime" and a "sexual violation". She added, "Anybody who looked at those pictures, you’re perpetuating a sexual offense. You should cower with shame."
I recommend you understand what you're commenting on before you comment and "stride away epically". But then again you're only 13, so you've got a lot to learn about life.
Edited 10 years ago
· 10 years ago
Thanks. I'm sorry. I should have researched before presenting an argument. Your comment gave me clarity on my attitude towards comments recently. My pubescent brain just decided that gunnerwolf needed to be "defended" from you, so naturally I retaliated without thinking too much. I acknowledge that. Thanks (and sorry) again.
No worries, based on the down votes in sure most people agreed with you. Sorry if I came off as attacking you in my response, it was late and I was tired and cranky :)
· 10 years ago
Join the club. I can't get to sleep earlier than 1am of late.
· 10 years ago
Oh my god. A thread that ended in happiness and forgiveness. Youtube needs to learns from this.
· 10 years ago
To be honest, I have given up on YouTube. Everyone in the comments is a complete basketball.
Edited 10 years ago
· 10 years ago
It's an on/off relationship for me. I watch a video. Has a religious war in the comments. Stops watching for a week. Crawls back to Youtube watch another video. A war on homosexuality is raging on and looks like it won't stop for a good three years. And when I think about it, you are right. Everyone in youtube is a complete basketball. You try to give them a chance, but then they just eff up and hit you in the face.
Edited 10 years ago
· 10 years ago
I use "basketball" in place of "asshole". Some other examples are, assbasket, butthead, derpstick, and stupid person.
"You're a basket, a basket of ass. An assbasket."
"You're a basket, a basket of grass. A grassbasket.
· 10 years ago
I see. But, you still have a point with basketball though. Nice censoring.
He saw it. I know he did. He put that 'F' in the search bar.. and he saw it.
Feel free to read Jennifer's full comments in the article, but from wikipedia "In an interview with Vanity Fair, Jennifer Lawrence called the leak a "sex crime" and a "sexual violation". She added, "Anybody who looked at those pictures, you’re perpetuating a sexual offense. You should cower with shame."
I recommend you understand what you're commenting on before you comment and "stride away epically". But then again you're only 13, so you've got a lot to learn about life.
"You're a basket, a basket of ass. An assbasket."
"You're a basket, a basket of grass. A grassbasket.