For fight or flight, when you choose one does that mean one chemical is fuller than the other ? Like when one is higher than the other you'd fight or when the other is fuller it's flight ?
Or is it like when they're both full you fight or empty you flight ?
Both fight or flight is actually the same thing. Depends on the person wether you run or fight. That's represented by "both full." "Rest and digest" is the other half of that and is represented sort of by "both empty." The graphic forgets one last chemical called acetylcholine which is full when the other 2 are empty for "rest and digest."
Overly simplistic example but sure. Though the chemical imbalance is not what makes these states, this is merely an observable reaction in the brain when these states are present.
Technically, oxytocin doesn't play a particularly major role in my life (not actually joking, I've had tests) but I have DEFINITELY been told by doctors that serotonin performs a critical job when it comes to depression.
Actually, serotonin has low levels when it comes to love, since when you are in love you become "obssessed" with that person, you want that person, which is due to dopamine. Oxytocin plays a role in love but not much in the romantic love, mostly in the mother-son love.
This isn't quiiiite true. Serotonin is the neurotransmitter released that makes you feel calm. Lots of patients with adhd will be prescribed medications that increases serotonin. When you are in love, your serotonin levels go way down, actually it goes as low as patients with ocd, which is pretty nifty. Alright there ya go. Stay in school kids!
You are correct in that it is involved with mothers giving birth. When a woman gives birth to a child, a ton of oxytocin is released to help the mother bond with the child and form that connection for obvious evolutionary reasons. Now it is known as the "cuddle drug" and basically does the same thing when you're with someone you love. It forms a bond or connection with that person, when you cuddle with the and especially after having sex. It's for the evolutionary reason that makes you think you have a bond with that person so you'll procreate more.
Or is it like when they're both full you fight or empty you flight ?
I don't see why it is not a part of the "love-combination" giving love is a very unclear.