Just like everything else in this world. If you abuse something it's on you not anyone else. Cut this bullshit of telling people how they can and cannot live.
I just wanna start out and say that I am very conservative, but I cannot stand Nancy Grace. you know yes you can abuse almost anything, but there are serious consequences to others when you decide to start smoking pot. When you are high and have no control over your body that is not safe at all. I also lived in Denver CO 6 years ago, and the friends I still keep up with say that ever since pot became legal the hit and runs and robberies have gotten out of control
I agree. But I support medical use yrs I'm sure people will find ways to cheat tge system. But those are the ones using it already anyways. I live in FL I know at least a couple of kids that will benefit and stop having daily seizures. But people in this state, even those composing about a lot of things and that wanted the governor out, didn't go vote and law didn't pass.
I know someone who is a psychiatrist and they tell me how scary it is when people go absolutely insane because they have become addicted to drugs. This Nancy Grace person is wrong when she says that they're all fat and stuff because some users just made the wrong life decisions and drugs was one of them. Please don't abuse drugs, there are horrible consequences.
It can severely affect your short term memory and it can hurt your lungs. The lungs are a very sensitive thing and pushing smoke into them can cause your lungs to strain. Pot raises a persons heart level significantly and makes it 5-10 times more likely for someone to go inti cardiac arrest within the first hour. It impairsthe person ability to react to things so driving is always a hazard.
The government doesn't want to be held responsible for sending people into shock from withdrawal. It would also add to the fuels of an already bullshit drug war.
Joe Rogan has a point. I mean just yesterday, things were getting so hectic that I dialed up my friend and said, "Dude, they're harshing my mellow. I need to go score some cheeseburgers.". So he knows this place and we go and like, it's owned by some Irish dude. Anyways, there are we with like the trunk, loaded down with cheeseburgers and all of a sudden a cop pulls up behind us. My friend starts freaking out and the cop sees this and pulls over to ask what's wrong. He can smell the American cheese on my breath and before you know it, I'm busted. I serve my time, but no one would hire me because I'm a con. The thing is, I still jones out for cheeseburgers but since I have no way to pay for them, I turn to a life of crime. And that children, is how I became the Hamburglar.