Karma just fucks around with people, doesn't it? Bill failed to cure cancer, but Steve Jobs was killed by that very disease. So, in a way, Bill killed Steve. Thank you, Bill Gates.
In the end though, Jobs may be the better man since he may have donated just as much money for the reward in the afterlife, not the attention fame in this life, unlike Gates.
Some people do good deeds because they believe it will bring them a reward in the afterlife, you know, heaven, but the deeds have to be sincerely done for that reward. Donating to charity is one of those deeds that is widely regarded as best being done in secret to obtain the most reward. Many people believe that if someone donates to charity and brags about it, or lets everyone know, then they lose the reward in the afterlife because they are more concerned with what the people think of them.
I see. It's possible that he was donating to charities in secret. It's also possible that he didn't donate a cent. We just don't know. We'd have to ask some charities to see if he has donated money.
· 10 years ago
It's kinda hard for someone to keep multi million dollar donations a secret
Exactly. There's my point. Unless he was doing some suspicious things with overseas accounts, wire transfers, and money laundering, which would be too much work for donating.
Nonsense, people donate little amounts every day, no on hears about them or knows their names. He could have done it anonymously, asked them to keep it quiet, broken it down into smaller donations over a long period of time, or broken it into parts and got close friends and relatives to do it.
Even though that's not totally true. The standards and quality of Windows Phones is just as good as any other phone. The biggest problem is that they started too late and now everyone who makes apps has to rewrite their apps sothat WP can use them !!