It looks regular but it grew dates that were different than modern ones and were probably a big source of food in what is now Jericho. It kind of reminds me of Jurassic Park but a little less dangerous though!
@ the title, seeds don't last forever. The odds of a random seed being found 2000 years later and it still being able to germinate are like the odds of winning the lottery 10 times in a row. To put it in perspective, most casually stored seed might last 5 years, 10 if its very well stored. If its taken to a research facility such as Svalbard or NCGRP where they properly package and store it and conventionally freeze it its still only expected to last about 100 years. If they go so far as to cryogenically freeze it (using liquid nitrogen) its STILL only expected to last about 1000 years. To have some random seed happen to survive double that length of time is truly miraculous. Thats why this is such a big deal.
Dude I think they stole the seeds and replaced them