You can say you don't like something. I don't like one derection but I don't insult people for listening to them (I will however insult you if you obsess over them to an insane extent because I will be insulting your behavior not judging you based the things you like) and I would expect the same kind of respect for any taste in music (or art, sports, people etc.)
If they are screaming/squealing/won't stop talking about them/ make affirmations to marry all five (there's five of them right?)/ or start telling me exactly how much each of them weighed when they were born (or anything of that stalker-like nature)/ won't leave the topic of [that band or something] alone when I have not expressed interest, I begin to question wether they are someone I want to be around and if they continue I start to question their mental capability. And, well, I always speak my mind. My one request to all of you fangirls out there is that you don't force your fandom on me or pester me about your fandom after I have expressed disinterest, and please do not go insulting me because of the things I like. If I asked you to shut up or called you annoying, obsessive or dumb etc... to your face (I will say it to your face not behind your back) it is because of your behavior (and in this case behavior regarding what you like) , I don't care what you like.
most of my favourite bands fit into the categories listed, and it may have been a coincedence that the suicide rates dropped, but when people say that those genres are crappy, thats what annoys me, because i know full well that those genres have saved *some* peoples lives, and so have other genres. So to say that theyre crap, isn't entirely fair
Notice how high it is in 1994, the year of Kurt's death...
· 10 years ago
1994 is not abnormal in any way, and still fits the trend. According to this data, his death had no real effect, actually. You're just looking for something that isn't there.