Is it okay to think bullfighting and graffiti should both be illegal? I'm assuming the pic on the right is some dude doing some graffiti and not just some dude doing some art which of course wouldn't be against the law. I have to say graffiti really blights some of the places I've lived in. How about we kill two birds with one stone and put people who do graffiti against the bulls?
My opinion is that if you ask the owner of the building and they approve then you may continue to put art on the wall. This is ideal but unlikely to be passed, because who's going to ask. I only wish.
Not all graffiti is "art" most of it is stupid as names that no one can make out, you honestly think if the type of graffiti that made it illegal was a beautiful as what we see in the picture people wouldn't mind that in their neighborhood. But thats not the case.
yeah, FYI bull fighting is illegal in most countries. And i think most of you guys wouldnt find it awesome if some one went and graffiti'd your walls at your house. Im sure your mind would change very fast and be happy that it is illegal
The thing is not every graffiti person is as skilled as this person is, so unless you want a disastrous graffiti on your property, it should be illegal.
Okay, graffiti is illegal for a reason! Not because it's not amazing because it is, but because it's done on other peoples property. Those artists did not pay for that piece if wall or whatever and it's not theirs to do anything with. Maybe those people didn't want paint on their wall. That's why it's illegal and I don't care if I get down votes because it is true.
· 10 years ago
Funny how the people posting these picture complain about how bad it is but are sitting on their ass on funsubstance all day doing nothing.
· 10 years ago
... Says garzak, while also "sitting on their 'ass' on funsubstance all day doing nothing."
· 10 years ago
Buy I'm not the one complaining that the world is so terrible and that people have it much worse than us and we should help them out
Even though people are trying to ban bull fighting, I agree and disagree cause it has been a tradition since god knows when, and they use the meat, it is not like they kill the bull than throw it away, but the bull does have to go through pain for a little bit, but just remember where he will be once he dies, he will be upstairs right above you, (god)
For a little bit? He suffers for hours. They stab him and weaken him, and /then/ the bullfighter comes out. Who teases him, stabs him, and weakens him further before finally cutting his throat. Gladiator fights were ancient Roman tradition, but they were just criminals and slaves, so it's okay. It's not like they used people or anything. Oh? Still people? Of course. Just like that bull is still a creature that can feel pain and suffer and wanted to live. It doesn't matter if they use the meat.
I believe in God, yes, but causing suffering for the bull is still wrong. No matter where the creature's soul goes, or what they do with the corpse. It's even more sickening that it's for entertainment.