I don't think the Percy Jackson movies are BAD as long as you interpret them as their own thing.
It would have been really nice to make it more accurate and have young actors grow with the series like in harry potter though
The movies really suck. The second one was terrible because they messed the first one up. The point of making movies out of books is to have the book contents come to life in a movie. Not destroy the plot and make something completely different. The way they made these movies, they should have at least warned fans about changes or given the movie a different title because what I saw was DEFINITELY not The Lightning Thief
I also hated how they were like "Oh, did we forget a main character named Clarisse? We'll just throw her in the second film like she was there the whole time"
Can we please add I am Number Four to this? The books are amazing but the movie sucked.
· 11 years ago
I Am Number Four wasn't terrible, it just wasn't great. While they didn't include everything from the book (including some sub-plots that become much more important later on), they also didn't change anything, which is good. I quite enjoyed the film (but I *love* the books).
Actually..... They did change stuff. Number six wa suddenly fire proof, while Numer four wasn't. Also some of the events were a bit out of order.... Berney Koser showed up right at the beginning of the movie, before he didn't show up until a fair bit into the book. Also everything just seemed so rushed, the book takes place over months, the movie seems to take place over one or two months, tops. When I saw the movie I was super hyped about it because I was still in awe of the awesomeness of the book, only to be smacked down like the hand of god by that movie.
Sorry, my original reply was supposed to say "anything *major" (damn my rush to comment anything IAN4-related! So few people I know have read it). While little things like that did annoy me a bit (were those small changes really necessary?? They didn't add to the film whatsoever -_-) I think I've just gotten used to making concessions and compromises when in comes to book adaptations :(
I also see you haven't read the Eragon books - I simply cannot recommend them enough. The Inheritance Cycle (the name of the Eragon series) is fantastic. FANTASTIC! One of my all time favourite series (and with some beautiful covers to boot!). Definitely remove the film from your mind if (or, I hope, when!) you read them. If you like Lord of the Rings as well, then the Inheritance Cycle is a must :)
I have similar feelings... But because the whole movie seemed to be forcefully jammed into about two months and left out a lot of relationship establishing and character development I simply cannot forgive the movie.
I've actually been trying to find a copy of the first book for a while now. I am actually a huge Lord of the Rings fan... And I love dragons... So yeah they seem like the type of books I'd be into. My issue seems to be that I just can't find the first damn book.... The last time I actually did find it, it was between it and the latest Lorien Legacies book so I ended up not getting it. I might have to convince my mom to let me order it off Amazon, as it does seem like a great book, now just to find some brain bleach to erase the memory of it's god awful movie!
Is it not available at your local library? That's where I get most of my books.
And if you have an ereader or a tablet you should be able to download it. Ebooks are generally cheaper than paperbacks, especially if it released more than 5 years or so ago.
· 11 years ago
It was a good attempt, so I'll give the film that. It was just lacking, as they oft seem to be. Indeed, the Sarah-storyline was the weakest element, along with Henri's character development (my God I love Henri!).
I've got 2 copies of Eragon, a Brisingr, an Eldest and 2 Inheritances ;) they're just such lovely books :3 (@nerdsarecool: no! Fight the electronic invasion and save books! You can't beat the tension, sound and feel of physically turning a page!). They are fairly common in charity shops where I live, popping up every few weeks, so I am always tempted to pick up another copy... From your 'mom' I assume you're American - does the US have charity shops? Are those what your 'thrift stores' are? Maybe check them if they are? (Sorry for my lack of knowledge - sometimes our countries can be very different!). If not, then persuade your mum to get it from Amazon by saying Jesus wants you to read these books ;)
Yeah... All the characters in the movie are so bland compared to in the books...
Actually I'm Canadian. In Canada we do have charity shops it's just the ones around where I live are usually picked clean of all the good stuff and are usually left with stuff that's barely usable. And yes, Thrift Stores are Charity Stores... Except we don't really call them Thrift Stores either, Some are called Good Will, those ones are shockingly pricey, and then there the Salvation Army. I find it interesting how different the simplest things are in different countries, so I don't blame you for not knowing much about over here... Hell even I don't know much about the US, except they have this stuff they call gravey but it's white so there's no way in hell that it's gravey, also they've never heard of poutine I guess.
On my mom that might actually work....
@nerdsarecool1212, my town doesn't have a library, and my school library only has information books it seems, I've already checked it
· 11 years ago
Ah, Canadian - I'm sorry I assumed you were American ;) it seems silly that the same concept has so many names and forms, depending on where in the world it is. But white gravy?! That's... That's unnatural! Although I've never heard of poutine either (I googled it and it's an actual Canadian word, so I guess it hasn't really made it over the ocean to England) - it sounds weird but kind of tasty. Good luck with your mum and the books!
Yeah it's okay, on the Internet it's hard to tell. I knew I couldn't be the only one who was weirded out by the white gravy. Poutine basically is cheese melted on fries/crisps with gravy, where I'm from you can get it everywhere, even mcdonalds, but the US doesn't even have anything remotely close to it, and I wasn't about to try and explain it to someone considering their gravy was white so I'm not sure I wanted to see how that would turn out.
US has 2 types of gravy. There's white and there's brown. Brown gravy typically goes with turkey or mashed potatoes or chicken. While white gravy is typically eaten at breakfast with sausage and biscuits. Some people like to eat white gravy with eggs as well. But white gravy can also be eaten with chicken too, usually fried chicken or chicken strips.
But biscuits and white gravy are good together, especially if there's chunks of sausage in the gravy.
What country do you live in?
Edited 11 years ago
· 11 years ago
England, where the thought of biscuits and gravy together is just... bleugh! *shudder* AND chunks of sausage?! The thought makes me slightly nauseous. Is this a hot meal?
OH, your biscuits are scones! At least, they look like 'em. But surely you have them with whipped or double cream and some strawberry jam? That's when they're lovely and tasty - warm scones, cold cream and jam. Yum, yum, yum!
I was somewhat disgusted as what I was imagining was this http://nottssos.files.wordpress.com/2011/01/biscuit1.jpg with that gravy. To be honest, I still don't like the look of your biscuits and gravy... Sorry! :)
We don't eat them with cream or anything but some like tear them in half like a sandwich and put grape or strawberry jelly in the middle.
And what you call a biscuit is what we call a cookie.
Edited 11 years ago
· 11 years ago
Ah, the good ol' American jelly! That's another thing that hasn't made it across the pond. I'll just stick to my marmalade, thank you - some of your foods genuinely scare me ;)
They're really good actually.
It's also been brought to my attention that the way Brits and Americans drink tea is differently as so with fries and chips. Apparently what you call crisps is what we call chips.
What you call chips, we call French fries or just fries for short.
Also, what is marmalade?
Agent Jesus: Yes, I'm so sorry, I am incapable of typing.
Everyone: *sigh* Oh, how naive my 4-hour-younger self was. All my brother could say was, "That never happened!"
I was most dissatisfied by the Avatar. I mean, they already have a complete show to base the movie on! How do you screw that up!? (dbz too, but I never really felt like dbz worked as a movie)
You know what movie started off as a great series of books, then the movies went off in a HUGELY different direction, and both were still awesome? The Bourne Identity/Supremacy/Ultimatum. Oddly enough, there was an "Identity" movie that stayed very close to the source material released in '88 starring Richard Chamberlain and Jaclyn Smith, but nobody ever talks about it.
I only noticed it randomly on Netflix a year or two ago. Really weird seeing an old favorite come to life without a bunch of new people effing with the plot.
It would have been really nice to make it more accurate and have young actors grow with the series like in harry potter though
Remove all the humour out of an anime and turn 4seasons into one crappy movie
I also see you haven't read the Eragon books - I simply cannot recommend them enough. The Inheritance Cycle (the name of the Eragon series) is fantastic. FANTASTIC! One of my all time favourite series (and with some beautiful covers to boot!). Definitely remove the film from your mind if (or, I hope, when!) you read them. If you like Lord of the Rings as well, then the Inheritance Cycle is a must :)
I've actually been trying to find a copy of the first book for a while now. I am actually a huge Lord of the Rings fan... And I love dragons... So yeah they seem like the type of books I'd be into. My issue seems to be that I just can't find the first damn book.... The last time I actually did find it, it was between it and the latest Lorien Legacies book so I ended up not getting it. I might have to convince my mom to let me order it off Amazon, as it does seem like a great book, now just to find some brain bleach to erase the memory of it's god awful movie!
And if you have an ereader or a tablet you should be able to download it. Ebooks are generally cheaper than paperbacks, especially if it released more than 5 years or so ago.
I've got 2 copies of Eragon, a Brisingr, an Eldest and 2 Inheritances ;) they're just such lovely books :3 (@nerdsarecool: no! Fight the electronic invasion and save books! You can't beat the tension, sound and feel of physically turning a page!). They are fairly common in charity shops where I live, popping up every few weeks, so I am always tempted to pick up another copy... From your 'mom' I assume you're American - does the US have charity shops? Are those what your 'thrift stores' are? Maybe check them if they are? (Sorry for my lack of knowledge - sometimes our countries can be very different!). If not, then persuade your mum to get it from Amazon by saying Jesus wants you to read these books ;)
Actually I'm Canadian. In Canada we do have charity shops it's just the ones around where I live are usually picked clean of all the good stuff and are usually left with stuff that's barely usable. And yes, Thrift Stores are Charity Stores... Except we don't really call them Thrift Stores either, Some are called Good Will, those ones are shockingly pricey, and then there the Salvation Army. I find it interesting how different the simplest things are in different countries, so I don't blame you for not knowing much about over here... Hell even I don't know much about the US, except they have this stuff they call gravey but it's white so there's no way in hell that it's gravey, also they've never heard of poutine I guess.
On my mom that might actually work....
@nerdsarecool1212, my town doesn't have a library, and my school library only has information books it seems, I've already checked it
But biscuits and white gravy are good together, especially if there's chunks of sausage in the gravy.
What country do you live in?
But you must also know, what America calls biscuits is not what the British call biscuits.
These are american biscuits: http://i.stack.imgur.com/HyS9om.jpg
And this is american biscuits with white gravy:
I was somewhat disgusted as what I was imagining was this http://nottssos.files.wordpress.com/2011/01/biscuit1.jpg with that gravy. To be honest, I still don't like the look of your biscuits and gravy... Sorry! :)
And what you call a biscuit is what we call a cookie.
It's also been brought to my attention that the way Brits and Americans drink tea is differently as so with fries and chips. Apparently what you call crisps is what we call chips.
What you call chips, we call French fries or just fries for short.
Also, what is marmalade?
Marmalade is jam-like, except it's made out of citrus fruit - like oranges - and has a consistency a little more like honey. I thought you guys had it over there.
Although I think it'll be a success considering John Green is satisfied with how the movie turned out.
Everyone: *sigh* Oh, how naive my 4-hour-younger self was. All my brother could say was, "That never happened!"
I only noticed it randomly on Netflix a year or two ago. Really weird seeing an old favorite come to life without a bunch of new people effing with the plot.
'cause i have legit not heard of that book, and i've heard of a lot of books