Obama is the POTUS, he makes a lot of promises but breaks most of them. From what I can gather, he wants to disarm all citizens of the United States, and legalize pot and prostitution. He's trying to introduce free healthcare, but a lot of people don't want to pay the tax, and the system has already screwed over millions. He's also guilty of not sending reinforcements to the US embassy in Benghazi, though that may be more Hillary Clinton's fault. Either way, Americans died and someone tried to cover it up. His administration also spies on Americans and has overstepped the constitution and bill of rights many times already. Also, everything he does with the military aids Islamic fundamentalists. To top it all off, Obama wants all Americans to be live the same, learn the same way, and make the same amount of money. Doesn't sound too American to me. I hope the next guy loves my grandfathers America the way I do.
Yes he does have a fucking right. He's talking about the old fashioned America that his grandfather loved and would lay down his life to protect, he didn't mean that his grandfather actually owned the fucking country.
I looked this chick up. Even after the letter she STILL continues to use the word. You guys should really see the crap that comes out of this chick's mouth! The ignorance is at a all time high for her
· 11 years ago
Usually I'd say that women aren't chickens(because u said chick) but I agree she is a chicken, she hides behind all her mean words so the world will think she's funny and never see her true self.
Okay I agree the retarded thing was WAY out of line but saying she doesn't deserve to be called a woman? So then what is she? What if someone said Obama doesn't deserve to be called black? Neither one can change that about themselves.
It's like when you say a guy doesn't deserve to be called a man. I'm not saying that she isn't a female. A woman is an adult female and her actions tell me that mentally she is a child.
The only thing I could think about when I read "Ms. Coulter" was Mrs. Coulter from His Dark Materials trilogy. (You should read it because it's awesome btw, also I'm sorry for making such an irrelevant comment.)
I CANNOT STAND THE R WORD !!! IT IS A HARSH AND DEGRADING WORD !!! People with special needs DO NOT need to be called that nor should anybody else no matter what!!!