This is obviously shopped to make him look bad. I mean, seriously guys? I don't like him either but making him look like even a bigger douchebag will just piss him off and make him actually be a bigger douchebag! He deserves hate for being such a dick but nobody deserves to be hated for something he hasn't done.
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That's really hypocritical, you know. Hating someone just because others do without any actual reason is very shallow. I know JB has proven he's a dick a million times over, but this is something we can't just pin on him.
But I guess sheep don't care about what they're on, either. Other sheep eat it, then so will I, right?
Never said I hated anyone..... Annoying yes, a brat yes, a moron, most definitely! Do I wish he would be found in a drug induced stupor and never 'sing' again, hell yes! The few people I do hate absolutely deserve it one of which is in prison on death row!
I agree that with all the things you've said about him, but blaming this on him is still stupid. I've seen the original pic and people who commented on the site thought the dude is awesome and that it's a "win" etc. But now that there's JB's head, everyone suddenly thinks it's bad. That's a little hypocriticial, don't you think?
· 11 years ago
*Puts on boots with nokia and lego spikes on the bottom* STOMP STOMP, MOTHERFUCKER
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But I guess sheep don't care about what they're on, either. Other sheep eat it, then so will I, right?