At least somebody decided to say something. Like damn, we do have freedom of speech and all, but I'm still afraid to use my voice because I get judged no matter what. This post just said what a lot of us were afraid to say.
Okay, the thing about murdering 100,000 people in Iraq is just ridiculous. This is a WAR. War isnt exactly a nice thing, so people die. We arent Murderers. We are fighters. They probably attacked first too. And the thing about Obama drone killing children in Yemen and Pakistan, there WILL be collateral damage. It is harsh, but war is war, and it wont change. And as for the $35 rib thing, I dont know anything about that.
We didn't fucking start 9/11. But we sure as hell made sure the aftermath would happen on their turf. And before you start the bullshit about it's for oil, the terrorists HATE us, and if we weren't up their ass destroying them, America would be nothing more than a bombing ground with MILLIONS of deaths. The worst thing you can do to your enemy is underestimate them and America isn't known for underestimating the necessity of war. That would be our only folly in this.
Well thank you. I didnt know I was one of the few reasonable people on the internet. Then again, Funsubstance is full of nice, funny people. Thats why I like it a lot.
Willie Smith Ward, the guy who was sentenced to 50 years for stealing some ribs wasn't sentenced for 50 years for stealing some ribs ... he was sentenced to 50 years for stealing some ribs, threatening the store worker who caught him and for having multiple previous convictions for burglary, assault, attempted robbery and possession. He'll be up for parole in twelve and a half years. Never stop questioning politicians who start wars but please I beg you don't make people like this an example for your cause. When they become the focus they're too easy dismiss making the original argument easy to dismiss too.
i don't really agree with this statement because these statements are probably leaving out a lot of information, like why they 'murdered' the people, and if that man may have had past crimes.
· 11 years ago
I saw a guest saying it's not for oil (the bush one) it is,trust me. And 9/11 is kinda irrational to think some group of amatuer terrorists could pull something like that off. I mean how do you plan crashing planes into a building? How do you do that? And you want me to believe they did it with carpenting knives?:/ kinda far fetched? Bush did use 9/11 to get re-elected, he was the one that really fu*ked up america? Look I can't say 9/11 was staged and I can't say it wasn't, but a couple of thousands died in 9/11 where as a couple of million are STILL dieng in those mid-east countries? It's like 500 9/11's there only no planes are involved and there are more innocent people being killed! Idk if anyone noticed but when bush was making comments on the boston situation on the news when he was talking of how it reminds him of 9/11 he said something that gave away that he kenw about 9/11 and his wife looked at him In shock/anger type of thing because he said it:/ it's far fetched I know.....