What would you wish upon your enemies? 32 comments
· 10 years ago
The world smallest water heater!!
When my favourite character dies on a tv show... 49 comments
Italians 11 comments
· 10 years ago
It's more like "get naked (that also means when someone shows to someone he/she loves how she/he really is), ?????????, I'm pregnant with THE child"
When your favorite actor appears for only 9seconds in a movie and u watch it all 25 comments
· 11 years ago
Omg me too! I watched it because the two most fantastic/gentlemen are in it...and act TOGHETER!!! But the movie was pretty sad, I cryied all the time!
As a 16 year old kid, this is pretty unpopular within my age group 43 comments
· 11 years ago
I am 16 and my best friend is my mum. I don't have many friends because I prefer spending time with her (shopping and stuff) than smoking, going drugs and having sex like all the others in my class. I am not ready, mabe it's not that I'm not ready, mabe I don't want that. I spend time with her NOT to make her happy, but to make ME happy. I love her. (Ps. My best friends are also all of you of funsubstance people!)!