I'm just gonna leave this here. Do with it what you will. 10 comments
· 11 years ago
These are my second and third favorite actors on Earth.
This made me the saddest I've been in a while 23 comments
Snakes with hats 13 comments
You are doing it wrong! Faster human 5 comments
Please Read! Could save lives! 50 comments
· 11 years ago
When in doubt, act like a psychopath. Act like you have been possessed. No joke. At the right time, the attacker will get freaked out. But don't always do this, especially if the attacker is smart enough to realize it's an act.
Oh. Hi. Hi 10 comments
This is real pain. 117 comments
Oscar-winning cinematography 15 comments
Friends 13 comments
· 11 years ago
I thought the third one would say don't be friends with seniors if you're a senior because they will die and it will suck. Like senior citizens. And I was like oh, too far.
Weird stuff I do potoo 21 comments
· 11 years ago
I always check the shower when I walk into the bathroom then I close the door.
This is cute and disturbing at the same time 2 comments
Women vs Men 8 comments
CNN's breaking news 6 comments
· 11 years ago
Underneath the breaking news banner is a smaller banner with news about North Korea committing crimes.
People need to realize this 14 comments
· 11 years ago
I actually have Tourette's and OCD. And my best friend is always like "can you close it all the way please, sorry I have OCD" and I'm just sitting there like "what? Do you even?"
Only cowards hunt lions 31 comments
· 11 years ago
She killed a giant cat. That makes me sad. What if lions could communicate auditorial and learn English, and then when you're about to shoot one, the lion is just like "no"
Sounds like what I've been doing 5 comments
Abstinence Only Education- Student Strikes Back 19 comments
Abstinence Only Education- Student Strikes Back 19 comments
· 11 years ago
In The Da Vinci Code, the rose was symbolic to the female genitalia. Which is ironic.
Me Millionth dollar 8 comments
The 7 wonders of the adult world 27 comments
I hate when this happens. 20 comments
· 11 years ago
Or when you invite the new person into your group and show them around and then they leave and become popular and you are just sitting down like "i made you"
Mean girls. That sounds like mean girls.
Mean girls. That sounds like mean girls.