I'm not even a DC fan, but this is starting to annoy me 17 comments
· 8 years ago
no, he gets them killed by a third party ((ergo proxy)(pun not intended))
She wanted an iPad 8 comments
He truly is the master of the fandoms 35 comments
The baby has been possessed 11 comments
· 8 years ago
The moment when you've seen so many horror movies that you roundhouse kick your kid at three in the morning *go back to sleep small satan*
I thought we had something special 1 comments
Don't give your real number, give these 44 comments
First Official Image from the upcoming 'Wonder Woman' movie 22 comments
· 8 years ago
I just want a real female warrior. A fucking walkyrie. A big square fortress of a woman mowing through her enemies like a bull through grass. Just once. She doesn't even have to be the main character. A side character who just flats anything she steps on.
She wasn't lucky 5 comments
· 8 years ago
Wow, you're a upper body with a upper body attached. Way to go. Or not, in your case.
Extreme Conservatives be like. 24 comments
· 8 years ago
I can't take people seriously who believe in talking snakes or sin or any such stupid concepts.
Extreme Conservatives be like. 24 comments
· 9 years ago
religion should be banned. we're not children anymore, stop with the imaginary friends
Happy International Women's Day! 9 comments
Harry Potter and the Presidential Candidates 22 comments
· 9 years ago
No, Dumbledore was a manipulative and absolutely evil character. Why don't people get that?
Harry Potter and the Presidential Candidates 22 comments
· 9 years ago
Since Dumbledore was the WORST HP character, I feel like Bernie would be safer with Snape.
Captain America ain't having it! 8 comments
The reason Kylo's hair isn't messed up 4 comments
At least you try, bro 2 comments
You've merely culled the weak 28 comments
· 9 years ago
tell that to all the little girls, that get beaten down and humiliated for being girls. "hey, without your consent, they can't do that. feel better?"
Even if he has a girlfriend, he just appreciates you as a friend or pretty girl 32 comments
· 9 years ago
wow, aren't you a special snowflake, so different from the other girls, I bet you like video games, too
Rob lowe 15 comments
· 9 years ago
Would you look at all those male crybabies getting aneurysms at the mere idea that a woman might get the same treatment as men got for hundreds of years. Wahwah, it's never her brain, it's always her vagina, look at me, I'm important, pay me attention. LOL Afraid of losing the penis privilege.
Hoping for super powers 11 comments
There's a simple solution to the problem, folks 17 comments
Deadpool's marketing team 14 comments
Saw this and thought of you guys :) 9 comments
There's a simple solution to the problem, folks 17 comments