If world war II was a bar fight 20 comments
· 8 years ago
This has hetalia written all over it
A good officer doing a simple act of public service 4 comments
· 9 years ago
Kid: mommy what are those?
Mom: those are kind people who don't expect anything in return
Mom: those are kind people who don't expect anything in return
And then they say the Canadians don't say sorry so much 6 comments
· 9 years ago
Because we'll just be throwing beavers at each other and then immediately apologize for it and watch hockey
i love the fact that the creators of this show got this around the censorship. 39 comments
· 9 years ago
Happens all the time with my little brother he always freaks out when he sees my bra no matter what
hmm I wonder if these are related 12 comments
Poor milhouse 1 comments
· 9 years ago
Ah milhouse sweet sweet milhouse I have have to say something to you I'm going to f@#$ing kick you're @#%
Haven't seen Lilo & Stitch in foreverrrr 9 comments
BDSM piñatas 20 comments
· 9 years ago
Billy: Um mommy! Why is the pinata acting weird?
Mom: um well Billy it's because um who wants cake?
Mom: um well Billy it's because um who wants cake?
These donuts are so adorable 3 comments
welcome to the internet 3 comments
Don't say things you don't mean 17 comments
Dexter's crazy electricity bill 10 comments
Remember when this was the ultimate comeback 7 comments
This is a little much 45 comments
Thank you, Jim Parsons! 1 comments
Girls in tampon commercials 15 comments