Height party? 16 comments
· 10 years ago
the asian is still shorter...
A castle made of hay bales 5 comments
· 10 years ago
sorry to be "that guy" but its straw bales not hay...straw is the left over stems of wheat. hay is alfalfa hay. hay bales are green usually if they are good and straw is always goldish. :)
Gorilla mom playing with her baby 10 comments
Congress Opposes 6 weeks of Paid Leave, yet enjoys 33 weeks of Paid Leave 7 comments
· 10 years ago
the guy in the middle right looks like he's immitating the guy in front of him
This guy is da real mvp 14 comments
Yes please. 7 comments
Killing A Lion Is The Most Cowardly Thing You Can Do 28 comments
· 10 years ago
get informed people. She didn't kill the lion. They dont let anyone legally hunt lions anymore. They use traquilizer darts to sedate the lions and not kill them. he's fucking sleeping
Combie apocalypse prank 8 comments
More advice for people starting college. It worked for me 6 comments
· 10 years ago
what if you're already in class for 6 hours a day and you also have a full time job?
iPhone's message logic 1 comments
The size of that burger, heavy breathing 14 comments
· 10 years ago
Mexicans still make my food at Taco Bell
Oh, and lived in Mexico for a couple of years and that's not how they make hamburgers
Oh, and lived in Mexico for a couple of years and that's not how they make hamburgers
This crazy thing called loved 17 comments
· 10 years ago
Im getting married in December and this is probably what the pictures of me and my wife are going to look like!
Cuter than the lion 21 comments
· 10 years ago
I didnt before I read this and now its all I can see. What did you do to me!!!
Wood pendants 12 comments
mind = blown 26 comments
· 10 years ago
little do people know that they survived the shipwreck and washed up on an island and had a baby...they named him Tarzan.
Soccer injuries aren't always fake apparently 15 comments
Wait was i just me who had these? 26 comments
GIF inventor said that it is pronounced as 'jif' 23 comments
· 10 years ago
i dont care what the inventor says. gif stands for graphic interface format. "graphic" starts with a hard G sound. therefore it is gif and not jif
The differences between Europe and the USA 19 comments
· 10 years ago
how come the U.S. is being compared to the entire continent of europe? we're one country how about you compare us to each individual country in europe then tell us which one is greater. that is all
ITT: Post your best yo momma joke 36 comments
Never talk about the acne 10 comments
Just saiyan 18 comments
Fuel tank made out of glass 10 comments
· 10 years ago
thats really cool! until you get in a wreck and even if its a minor wreck its most likely gonna break...
Good Guy Austin Powers 11 comments
· 10 years ago
why is it considered "taking advantage of women" when they are sloppy, horny drunks and wanna sleep with anything but when i guy is a sloppy horny drunk he is considered a perv?
Prepared for school 5 comments
It's okay, Lilo. They treat me different, too. 11 comments
· 11 years ago
is it just me or does nani look like shes not wearing a shirt and just has tan lines??
please god, please 12 comments