

birdjesus69 Report User
What the absolute fudge? Who comes up with this shite? 23 comments
birdjesus69 · 8 years ago
Booby bump.
Scientists confessing the truth about their methods 4 comments
birdjesus69 · 8 years ago
These are beautiful.
Reset button 36 comments
birdjesus69 · 8 years ago
If my memories stay intact I would. Either through simple inaction or deliberately avoiding something I've caused both myself and many others a great deal of suffering. These experiences have shaped me into the person I am today and I would never want to forget them. But if I could reset, keep my memories, and prevent those things from ever actually happening I would in a heartbeat.
What's next? 21 comments
birdjesus69 · 8 years ago
Oh shit. I meant march not february. My tiredness got to me on that one.
Superheroes then and now 33 comments
birdjesus69 · 8 years ago
This actually made me giggle. It wasn't even supposed to be funny damnit.
What's next? 21 comments
birdjesus69 · 8 years ago
Are january and february just tumblr things?
2 · Edited 8 years ago
Slang words from the '40s. 5 comments
birdjesus69 · 8 years ago
I'm going to use this to describe people. I may have to explain what I'm saying but the weird look on their face and the sudden pimp slaps will be worth it.
Right about there. 15 comments
birdjesus69 · 8 years ago
This is a fascinating topic and plants can probably think to some small degree. However that's where I'm leaving this because I don't care to debate over this topic.
Right about there. 15 comments
birdjesus69 · 8 years ago
Because they need to be able to think and there has been no evidence that plants have any ability to think. They can react to their surroundings in a variety of ways but they cannot actually process any kind of information in a meaningful way.
While watching The Walking Dead 12 comments
birdjesus69 · 8 years ago
When people are rotting doesn't the fat just liquefy and drip out? I know that these are zombies so obviously the process of decomposition works differently for them but I can kind of see the fat just melting right off of them and pouring out of their rotten skin.
oHMYGOD 10 comments
birdjesus69 · 8 years ago
I've always thought about doing this with my ass
Just let that sink in. 35 comments
birdjesus69 · 8 years ago
I'm willing to bet that it's brainwashing of some sort or another.
Would you? 13 comments
birdjesus69 · 8 years ago
If it said would you deliberately drive a car into your unprepared friend at 100 mph and then slam on the reverse to finish them off, it would make more sense. As it is now it's too vague to get a good result.
What if...? 1 comments
birdjesus69 · 8 years ago
If the suit is made of a strong enough material it would be hella useful
"Our Culture is Not Your Costume!" 91 comments
birdjesus69 · 8 years ago
White people didn't really rob them from their homeland. The africans who kidnapped them and sold them into slavery did.
War without mercy 12 comments
birdjesus69 · 8 years ago
Reminds me of kinetic bombardment.
I'M ALREADY IN MY ROOM! 8 comments
birdjesus69 · 8 years ago
I'm gonna get pimp slapped at school for saying this.
5 · Edited 8 years ago
Poor Stacy always confused the boys 11 comments
birdjesus69 · 8 years ago
Unless you're drunk too. Then it means you're sho gunna ghet leid.
When you have no friends 3 comments
birdjesus69 · 8 years ago
You look like a math teacher at my school.
Hi there, I'm the head of Arkham Security, Barbara Gordon. 8 comments
birdjesus69 · 8 years ago
Damn this actually makes sense. It could even be applied to the other supers.
Pretty sure he didn't see that coming 10 comments
birdjesus69 · 8 years ago
Blind people have always fascinated me.
Because f*ck you and your internal organs, that's why 20 comments
birdjesus69 · 8 years ago
It will aerate a lot more than your pores
Bye my friend 3 comments
birdjesus69 · 8 years ago
Yeah, it's a pretty good attempt despite the less than ideal circumstances.
So it was about April fool, I was so confused... 8 comments
birdjesus69 · 8 years ago
I just looked up Apparently it's on the market for $485,000.00.
What a time to be alive 16 comments
birdjesus69 · 8 years ago
I thought you were actually serious for a second or two.